{ Making Your Slide Shows More Effective
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What impact have the Internet and other technologies had on …
{ newspapers, magazines, & the news industry
{ television, movies, & video
{ medicine & personal health
{ reading, libraries & books
{ how we communicate, connect, & share with each other
K- 12 schools?
1. Why use presentation software? 2. How does it impact the audience? 3. What can I do to make a slide show effective for the audience? Key Questions
A. All your main points B. Less than 50% of your main points C. Less than 30% of your main points How much of your content should be in words on your slide?
A. The pictures on the slide B. The words on the slide C. What you say about the slide Adult audiences take away the most information from...
Boring if you miss 1.Motivation 2.Relevance 3.Opportunity for ongoing feedback 4.Opportune moment for application
Deepen thinking – Typewith.me Deepen thinking – Typewith.me Backchannel – TodaysMeet Backchannel – TodaysMeet Prediction – PollAnywhere Prediction – PollAnywhere Not Boring - Tools
Confusing if you don’t Layout Consistency Order ideas Instruction through Design Powerful Images
Epitome example Epitome example Big ideas to little – start with the over-arching theme It is more effective to use simple ideas first and then move to more complex ideas, because the audience will understand more. It is more effective to use simple ideas first and then move to more complex ideas, because the audience will understand more. Relate to the familiar Relate to the familiar Ordering Your Ideas
Epitome example Epitome example Big ideas to little Big ideas to little Simple to complex Simple to complex Relate to the familiar Relate to the familiar Ordering Your Ideas
Epitome example Epitome example Big ideas to little – start with the over-arching theme It is more effective to use simple ideas first and then move to more complex ideas, because the audience will understand more. It is more effective to use simple ideas first and then move to more complex ideas, because the audience will understand more. Relate to the familiar Relate to the familiar Ordering Your Ideas
Epitome example Epitome example Big ideas to little Big ideas to little Simple to complex Simple to complex Relate to the familiar Relate to the familiar Ordering Your Ideas
Text 3 to 5 ruleReadability Coherence
Perception (I sense it) Perception (I sense it) Comprehension (I figured it out) Comprehension (I figured it out) The Power of a Picture
Preattention Preattention Attention Attention Cognition Cognition Stages of Processing Graphics
Improves concept retention Improves concept retention Shows visual and spatial relationships Shows visual and spatial relationships Organizes well (easier to remember) Organizes well (easier to remember) Motivates learners and promotes trust Motivates learners and promotes trust Benefits of Graphics
Abstract or complex visuals Abstract or complex visuals Cognitive effort required to get complex visual Cognitive effort required to get complex visual Distracting or misleading learners Distracting or misleading learners Not appropriate for every purpose Not appropriate for every purpose Problems with Graphics
Pictures and Video Before, instead Readability Coherence
Images First Images First 30% of the content 30% of the content Chunking and white space Chunking and white space Order and Dominance Order and Dominance Layout for Audience Layout for Audience Key ideas Key ideas Applying