10 電磁 III How is an aurora so thin yet so tall and wide?
Sections 磁場 電流與磁場
10-1 磁場 The electric field and the magnetic field Electromagnet s and permanent magnets
The definition of B
The tracks in a bubble chamber
The SI unit for B 1 tesla = 1T =1 N/A ‧ m=10 4 gauss
Magnetic Field Lines Magnetic vs. electric dipoles A horseshoe and a C-shaped magnets
例 1 A 5.3 MeV proton
Crossed Fields: Discovery of the Electron A cathode ray tube Thomson’s procedure: 設定 E = 0, B = 0, 並記錄光點位 置 開啟電場 開啟磁場, 並調至與電場相等
Crossed Fields: The Hall Effect By the conduction electrons in copper:
例 2 A cube generator
A Circulating Charged Particle
The frequency and angular frequency Helical Paths 頻率與軌跡
例 3 The Mass Spectrometer ( 質譜 儀 )
Isotope Separation Centrifuge and diffusion chamber 質譜儀
The pitch ( 螺距 ) of the helical path
Cyclotrons and Synchrotrons Fermilab: 6.3km ring ( 迴旋加速器與同步加速器 )
The resonance condition: When proton energy > 50Mev: Out of resonance (relativistic effect) A huge magnet (4×10 6 m 2 ) is needed for high energy (500Gev) protons The proton sychrotron at Fermilab can produces 1Tev proton Synchrotrons
Magnetic Force on a Current-Carrying Wire
For a wire segment: Magnetic Force
例 4 A length of wire with a semicircular arc
Torque on A Current Loop F 2 and F 4 cancel F 1 and F 3 form a force couple
例 5 A galvanometer for analog meters
The Magnetic Dipole The magnetic dipole moments The magnetic potential energy
10-2 Magnetic Fields due to Currents Conventional rocket EM Rail Gun
Calculating the Magnetic Field due to a current The law of Biot and Savart
Magnetic Field Due to a Current in a Long Straight Wire
Magnetic Field Due to a Current in a Circular Arc of Wire
例 6 What B does the current produce?
Two Parallel Currents
例 7 The Field Between Two wires
Ampere’s Law Comparing Gauss ’ law and Ampere’s law Ampere’s law
The Magnetic Field Outside a Long Straight Wire with Current
The Magnetic Field Inside a Long Straight Wire with Current
例 7 A hollow conducting cylinder
Solenoids and Toroids Magnetic Field of a Solenoid ( 螺線管 ) Magnetic Field of a Toroid ( 螺線環 )
Magnetic Field of a Solenoid
Magnetic Field of a Toroid
磁圍阻核融合反應器 Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor
A Current Carrying Coil and a Magnetic Dipole A current loop and a bar magnet
Magnetic Field of a Coil
敬請期待 電磁 IV