Make sure your schedule says: Mrs. Crooks Room 2922 Welcome to AP Seminar Make sure your schedule says: Mrs. Crooks Room 2922
Any Questions about how this works?? A Day, B Day Any Questions about how this works??
Floating and Sharing My room is 2918!!! I share the room with Mr. Westbrook. You will always be able to find me in 2918 except during 2nd period, I will be in 2922. MGS/Smartlunch will be in 2918.
About Mrs. Crooks I am from Raleigh, NC I went to Cary High School (Athens rival ) Graduated from NC State with a degree in political Science.
About Mrs. Crooks I am Married to a Veteran My favorite thing in the world is my Persian Cat Eleanor.
Introduce yourselves!
Overview This is a yearlong course, BUT this is not your typical AP class, is course is NOT ABOUT CONTENT. Fall semester: Focuses on learning AP seminar SKILLS Spring semester: 2 AP performance tasks (one is a group project, one is an “independent study type of task) and we will prep for the AP seminar Exam. NO MULITPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS on the AP EXAM.
About AP Seminar Course Policy Handout It will take a few days to introduce AP Seminar. We will work on understanding the mindset of seminar and the values of AP seminar. AP Seminar is about SKILLs. It values collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and effective communication.
The Power of AP Seminar Expected Outcome: Knowing WHERE and HOW to find information, knowing WHAT that information means, and understanding the CREDIBILITY of that information. This is a skill you will need for ANYTHING you do in life. This class will build CONFIDENCE in yourself and what you know. Don’t be afraid to QUESTION! Link to AP Seminar Video
https://www. youtube. com/watch. v=QW4-LEAM-v8 - https://www. youtube -
AP Seminar Course Focus Question and Explore Understand and Analyze Arguments Evaluate Multiple Perspectives Synthesize Ideas Team, Transform, and Transmit
Lenses Environmental Artistic & Philosophical Ethical Cultural & Social Political & Historical Economic Scientific Futuristic
Course policy signature
Contacting Mrs. Crooks Email: Website:
Student Information
Academic Integrity You will have the opportunity to agree to this in writing upon several occasions by including and signing the ADHS Honor Pledge on each exam and assignment: “I pledge to be honest and fair. I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this test or assignment" _______________________
AP Plagiarism Policy
Video Permission & Technology Permission Video permission – required in order to complete AP performance tasks. Technology permission – covered in homeroom, also very critical for completion of the AP performance tasks.
Name Game
Establishing Class Norms I’ve, told you what I expect from you…. What do you expect from me: What do you expect from one another: