Fishbowl A Socratic Seminar Adventure
What is a Socratic Seminar? The Socratic Method, named after the classical Greek philosopher Socrates, is a form of inquiry and discussion between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to illuminate ideas. Participants seek deeper understanding of complex ideas in text through rigorous thoughtful dialogue, rather than by memorizing bits of information. There are no right or wrong answers. At the end of successful Socratic Seminars, participants often leave with more questions than they brought with them. There are no right or wrong answers. At the end of successful Socratic Seminars, participants often leave with more questions than they brought with them.
Guidelines for Participants Refer to the text when needed during the discussion. A seminar is not a test of memory. You are not "learning a subject"; your goal is to understand the ideas, issues, and values reflected in the text. Stick to the point currently under discussion ; make notes about ideas you want to come back to if you would like to change to a new topic. Don't raise hands; take turns speaking. Think about how you would have a social conversation. Listen carefully. Speak up so that all can hear you. Talk to each other ( using first names ), not just to the leader or teacher Discuss ideas rather than each other's opinions. You are responsible for the seminar, even if you don't know it or admit it. Pull quiet classmates into the conversation, and ask students to stay on track if you notice the conversation swaying. Do NOT DOMINATE the discussion (be aware of how often you speak compared to the rest of the class). Don’t fear the awkward silence ! This means people are thinking before they speak!!! Each person must participate during the inner circle. I am keeping track of who is passively sitting, and also, who is dominating the discussion. Please be aware of your participation.
Physical Set-up The class will be divided in half based on your Animal in a Bag presentation date. Half the class will be the inner circle and half will be the outer circle. This will switch for Day Two of the Fishbowl discussion. The Inner Circle (The Fish) : The inner circle is the only group allowed to actually SPEAK during the seminar. They will raise questions and discuss ideas with each other WITHOUT the help or guidance of Ms. Gustaves The Inner circle needs to be aware of how many times they are participating in the conversation as it will be a part of their grade. The Outer Circle (The Observers): The outer circle group is the note-taking and observing group. There is no talking in the outer circle, you are simply observing the conversation and commenting on it in your notes.
How will you PREPARE? The Socratic Seminar Questions: Be prepared to answer and discuss these on the day of your inner circle. For each inner circle, the group will choose 5 or 6 that they want to discuss. You may bring in notes to help you answer these and to make sure you have something to bring to the conversation. You will be graded on your questions, your notes, and your participation in the inner circle portion. YES, participation is MANDATORY if you want to receive credit.