Born to Become Heroes
Цель урока: Формирование гражданских и патриотических качеств обучающихся через знакомство с деятельностью школьного музея.
Задачи урока: Воспитывать патриотизм и культуру межнациональных отношений Учить выражать своё мнение о прочитанном и прослушанном
Cathy Bigden Hawkshead Road 5 Code N1 IHS London The UK Dear Russian friends, We, English students, have learned from the Internet about your school N38. We’ve also found out that your School Museum is 36 and the Museum Room received the name of the school Museum in 1976 and later in 1990 – the name of “The excellent School Museum”. Who was the founder of your museum? When was it opened? Have the students of your school visited the places of battle? Many other questions interest us, too. We also want to learn more about your school and your lifestyle. We’d like to meet more people and make new friends in Russia. Write soon, Cathy, Pam and Jack
glorious follower receive founder create battle shooting division exhibit excursion hero heroically motherland moral arms qualities
The guests of the lesson are the members of the school soviet of the museum
Ann is the school president and a vice chairman of the school Soviet of the museum
Other guests are Kristina, Anatoly and Natalie. They are also very active in the work on the school museum. They tell pupils about the work
1970 The 23d of February 1975
Sukhatskiy A.B, Honoured Teacher of the Russian Federation
The school museum was created by the initiative of M. P. Shishova, the first director of our school
At the present moment R. G. Fatikov, a Technology teacher, is the leader of the school museum
The museum started with some exhibits…
There are more than 6 thousand exhibits in the museum now. They are the arms of war times, personal things of soldiers, war newspapers, photos and other documents.
The guests are telling further… There were more than 40 trips all over the country. Our students also visited the places of battles.
They visited Samarkand, Bukhara, Andizhan, Tashkent…
They even were in Riga and in Lesnoy Bor – the place where the soldiers of the shooting division fought heroically against fashists.
… Wе hold excursions, meet guests. After visiting the museum many people write down in the visitors` book what they think about what they have seen.
Sergey is 18 years old. He was 18 when he joined the Soviet Army. He will always be 18… There is a memorial board in his memory in our school museum
I think I'm sure I suppose I believe To my mind In my opinion etc.
Romanenko E. is reciting the poem, dedicated to S. Kaigorodov. She has composed the poem for herself.
Alekseyev S. K. Tretyakov L. D. Bizyayev D. I. Savelyev A. N. Pozdeyev N. N. Belongov A. A. Brum I. F. Antonov I. A. Krasnoselskiy Y. M. Zagumenkov A. A. Ivanov V. P. Dorogov S. K. Mindlin A. O. Dolgiy N. A. Kilesso V. T. Kim – Mokrousova V. A. Fatuyev A. V. Ustinovich I. F. Glushkov A. I. Ivanov P. I. Krivenko A. I Samoilov D. D. Dobrynin D.R. Grachyov S. M. Zhavoronko A. S. Zhabkin P. T. Nadymov I. V. Grishin M. P. Kislitsin A. I. Yanenko N. N. Barukhin M. I. Kanishnikov P. N. Ozernikov S. M. Argunov N. F. Ostrovskaya A. L. Polyakov N. A Brener Y. Z. Zhavoronkov K. V. Sabachyov Y. I. Isakov G. P. Sokratov D. P. Bobkov F. D. Lisetskiy S. K. Skorokhodov V. S.
Nobody is forgotten Nothing is forgotten