Rank the following ideas in importance regarding the novel and add one of your own: revenge prejudice loss of innocence Your word…
Warm-up Which key word did you add to the ranking? Remember the following definitions for guidelines: Dialogue – An exchange of ideas in which there is no intention to reach a decision. Discussion – An exchange of ideas in which there is an intention to reach a decision or conclusion. Debate – An interplay wherein one idea is proved correct and all opposing viewpoints are undermined. Degrade – An attack on another individual or concept through insult or challenge.
Consider: Who is more good or more evil in the novel? Who is the “real” monster, Victor or the creature?
In the circle: Support with the text!
Need extra credit? Remember at the beginning of the semester when I told you the books you read in SSR (silent sustained reading) would come up at some point in the future? Extra credit questions about your book are available on the grey chair in the center of the room. Due January 9 or never. 10 points extra credit.
Reflection Write a 1-2 page evaluation about the responses to these questions, considering the criteria and the goals of Socratic Seminar. Think also about the following… How deep did it go? Were there any missed opportunities to go further? Did people respond well to each other? What kinds of questions were asked? Did everyone participate? Were their different points of view? Was the text cited often? Were connections to personal lives made? Were you satisfied with conclusions reached? What did you learn from listening? Did the dialogue lead you to change your mind about anything?