This morning we looked at the Credentials of Jesus from Mark 1:1-13. Now let’s take another step toward the Cross by examining The Authority of Jesus.


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Presentation transcript:

This morning we looked at the Credentials of Jesus from Mark 1:1-13. Now let’s take another step toward the Cross by examining The Authority of Jesus Demonstrated, 1:14 - 5:43. This is the pivotal section as Mark is such a demonstrative book.

Please recall that: Mark’s Gospel is one which seeks to show who Jesus is by action- showing the reader who He is by what He did. Therefore, Mark shows his readers the Authority of Jesus through demonstrations of His Power in 8 differing areas….

1:14 - 5:43, The Authority of Jesus Demonstrated through: 1. His Power to Call, 1: He called Simon (Peter) & Andrew, vv Though they were working, they “immediately” left their nets and followed, v.18. -He called James & John, vv.19-20a. -Though they were working with their father, they left him and the servants and went with Him, v.20b. That’s demonstrative Power! To simply call people and have them drop everything and commit their lives to following is true Authority!

1:14 - 5:43, The Authority of Jesus Demonstrated through: 2. His Power to Teach, 1: There is no indication that anyone in Capernaum knew who He was or even from where He had come, v.21. -And yet He taught with authority and they were amazed, v.22 His teaching was noticeably different- it was with authority and not as the scribes. His teaching demonstrated His Authority with Power!

1:14 - 5:43, The Authority of Jesus Demonstrated through: 3. His Power to Heal, 1: from Unclean Spirits, vv Simon’s Mother-in-Law, vv in Capernaum and in all Galilee, vv the Leper, vv He proved who He was by demonstrating His Authority over unclean spirits and diseases. And the people “were amazed” v.27. But He clearly identifies a more important role: to Teach, v.38. Healing was a means to an end for Him.

1:14 - 5:43, The Authority of Jesus Demonstrated through: 4. His Power over Sin, 2: demonstrated through healing the Paralytic. -He said, “My son, your sins are forgiven.” v.5 Why? -He explains plainly, “But in order that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” v.10 He proved who He was by demonstrating His Authority through forgiving sins. And the people “were amazed and were glorifying God” v.12.

1:14 - 5:43, The Authority of Jesus Demonstrated through: 5. His Power over the Scribes / Pharisees, 2:15 - 3:6. They questioned Him about: -eating with sinners, 2:16 His answer demonstrated power, v.17 -fasting, 2:18 His answer demonstrated power, vv the Sabbath, vv His answer demonstrated power, vv To further underscore His power and authority over them, He healed a plant (the man with the withered hand) on the Sabbath in the synagogue, 3:1-5. Yet they refused to acknowledge Him, v.6.

1:14 - 5:43, The Authority of Jesus Demonstrated through: 6. His Power over the Demons, 3:11, 20-30; 5: the unclean spirits acknowledged Him, 3:11 -He confounded the Scribes regarding Beelzebul with their own accusation, 3: He released one who no man had been able to bind, 5:1-20 He demonstrated His Authority by releasing those whom Beelzebul (Satan) had bound. Though the unclean spirits acknowledged and obeyed Him, but Many people disbelieved and rejected, 3:21 5:14-17.

1:14 - 5:43, The Authority of Jesus Demonstrated through: 7. His Power over Nature, 4: He rebuked the wind and the Sea of Galilee, v.39 -they both obeyed! He demonstrated His Authority over Nature itself. And the disciples were “very much” afraid, v.41

1:14 - 5:43, The Authority of Jesus Demonstrated through: 8. His Power over Death, 5:21-24, Jairus, a synagogue official, had a daughter who was near death, vv while Jesus was delayed in the healing of the hemorrhage, the little girl died. vv Jesus raised her from the dead, vv.36-42a. The people were “astounded” v.42b. He demonstrated His Authority over Death as a precursor to His conquering of death for all men.

1:14 - 5:43, The Authority of Jesus Demonstrated through: 1. His Power to Call, 1: His Power to Teach, 1: His Power to Heal, 1: His Power over Sin, 2: His Power over the Scribes / Pharisees, 2:15 - 3:6 6. His Power over the Demons, 3:11, 20-30; 5: His Power over Nature, 4: His Power over Death, 5:21-24, Will you acknowledge His Power/Authority by believing and obey to eternal life? Jas.2:19-20