Identifying Series: Attributes of a Work and Attributes of an Expression: RDA Chapters 5 and 6 Module 2b
6.3: Form of Work (a core element when needed to differentiate a work) Sources of Information Take information on form of work from any source. Examples: –Radio Program –Tapestry –Choreographic work –Computer file –Motion picture –Series
6.4: Date of Work (a core element when needed to differentiate a work) Scope: the earliest date associated with a work. – Date of work may be the date the work was created or the date the work was first published or released. Sources of Information – Take information on date of work from any source. LC practice: Record dates in terms of the Gregorian calendar.
6.5: Place of Origin of the Work (a core element when needed to differentiate a work) Scope: the country or other territorial jurisdiction from which a work originated Sources of Information –Take information on place of origin of the work from any source. Record the place of origin of the work in the form prescribed in RDA Chapter 16
Recording the Place General Guidelines on Recording Names of Places –Chapter 16 is the chapter which details establishing place names. –Use established form when available, although you need to alter as you would for a qualifier. Athens (Ga.) would be changed to Athens, Ga. ( When the Place of Origin is not established, use the form as it would be established in the NAF)
6.6: Other Distinguishing Characteristic of the Work (a core element when needed to differentiate a work) Scope: is a characteristic other than form of work, date of work, or place of origin of the work that serves to differentiate a work from another work with the same title Sources of Information –Take information on other distinguishing characteristics of the work from any source.
Examples from RDA 5.6 Geological Survey (South Africa) (Issuing body of a work titled Bulletin) Anglo-Saxon poem (Other distinguishing characteristic of a work titled Genesis) Galleria sabauda (Turin, Italy) (Owner of a Jan van Eyck painting titled Saint Francis receiving the stigmata) Douglas (Surname of the director of a 1965 motion picture titled Harlow)
6.7: History of the Work Sources of Information: Take information on the history of the work from any source. As appropriate, incorporate information pertaining to specific identifying elements into a history of the work element. Numbers 1–24 of the Manuscript report series were issued from 1964–1972 by Canada’s Marine Sciences Branch. Numbers 25–54 were issued from 1972–1979 by the Marine Sciences Directorate. Since 1980, numbers 55 and on have been issued by the Marine Sciences and Information Directorate
6.8: Identifier for the Work - Core Scope: a character string uniquely associated with a work, or with a surrogate for a work (e.g., an authority record), that serves to differentiate that work from other works. Source: Take information on identifiers for works from any source.
6.8: Identifier for the Work – Core continued Recording Identifiers for Works: Precede the identifier with the name or an identification of the agency, etc., responsible for assigning the identifier, if readily ascertainable. Examples: - Library of Congress control number: n – National Library of Australia: anbd.aut- an –ISSN?
ATTRIBUTES OF EXPRESSIONS Remember that the series authority record for the work is primarily composed of WORK attributes and EXPRESSION attributes.
6.9: Content Type – Core (Do not supply at this time.) Scope: a categorization reflecting the fundamental form of communication in which the content is expressed and the human sense through which it is intended to be perceived. Source: Take information on content type from any source. Record the type of content contained in the resource using one or more of the terms listed in RDA table 6.1. Record as many terms as are applicable to the resource being described.
6.9: Content Type continued If none of the terms listed apply to the content of the resource being described, record other. If the content type applicable to the resource being described cannot be readily ascertained, record unspecified. ntent.html
6.10: Date of Expression (Core when needed to differentiate an expression of a work from another expression of the same work) Scope: the earliest date associated with an expression. –The date of the earliest manifestation embodying the expression may be treated as the date of expression. Source: Take information on date of expression from any source. LC practice: Record dates in terms of the Gregorian calendar.
6.11: Language of Expression (Core when needed to differentiate an expression of a work from another expression of the same work) Scope: a language in which a work is expressed Source: Take information on language of expression from any source. Recording the language of expression: base the name of the language on the form found in the current edition of MARC Code List for Languages
Date and Language of Expression: Example Three expressions of the C.S. Lewis work exist published by HarperCollins. One expression is differentiated by Language of Expression, and the other is differentiated by the Date of Expression
6.12: Other Distinguishing Characteristic of the Expression Scope: a characteristic other than content type, language of expression, or date of expression that serves to differentiate an expression from another expression of the same work. Source: Take information on other distinguishing characteristics of the expression from any source
Other Distinguishing Characteristic of the Expression continued : Selected Parts or Excerpts –Record Selections to identify an expression consisting of selected parts or excerpts from a larger work.
6.13:Identifier for the Expression: Core Scope: a character string uniquely associated with an expression, or with a surrogate for an expression (e.g., an authority record), that serves to differentiate that expression from other expressions. Precede the identifier with the name or an identification of the agency, etc., responsible for assigning the identifier, if readily ascertainable.