Ordering Your World
“Living is more like gardening than engineering.” Ordering Your World
Overview Who are you? What do you want? What are you doing with who you are and what you want?
Ordering Your World Who am I?
Ordering Your World Who are you? -Motivated Abilities/Passions --Energy spikes/you come alive… you lose track of time --An injustice or need that moves you to tears
Ordering Your World
“If we really want the fullness, the richness, and the joy of life, if we want genuine significance and true success, if we want to find our meaning and purpose, then we should not look at others and try to copy what has been given to them. Rather, we need to consider: What has been given to me? What endowments do I possess?” --Arthur Miller (“Why you can’t be anything you want to be…But you’ll love being who you were designed to be”)
Ordering Your World “The Song needs my word. It is not the same song without it. And I am the only one who has ever heard it, the only one who can ever listen to its echo deep inside and know whether or not the life that I am living – what I am doing with my hours and days and work and other selves to love – rhymes with it, and sings it clearly at all.” --Robert Benson (Between the Dreaming & the Coming True)
Ordering Your World
What do you want? -Awareness -Courage “The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right inside it under its roof.” --Barbara Kingsolver
Ordering Your World The Nourishment Process -Receiving – taking in *What’s your attitude? -Weeding – unlearning/re-learning *What needs to go?
Ordering Your World Planning to THRIVE! “What began the change was the very writing [of my life story] itself…the change which the writing wrought in me was only a beginning.” --C.S. Lewis “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” --Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ordering Your World
Today is the first day of the rest of your life!!
Ordering Your World