Once upon a time there was a magic wardrobe made of wood. From it, you could climb to the world of Narnia. This world was ruled by an ice witch who had the power to turn people into stones. This power could be broken only with the help of four children…Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy.
The magic wardrobeThe children
Lucy was the first one to find herself in cold Narnia where she meets Mr. Tumnus, who works for the witch. He tells her to go with him through the woods. But after tea, Mr Tumnus cries so much because he does not want to take Lucy to the wicked witch and he fears he will be turned into a stone.
So Edmund slips through the wardrobe and bumps into the witch! She tells him to bring his brother and sisters to her house and that she will make out of him a king. A few days after, all four children did go in Narnia. They saw Mr Tumnus’s cave ransacked and discovered that Mr Tumnus had been dragged away by the witch’s police. Lucy was furious.
She told Mr Beaver that she’s not leaving Narnia. All four children go with Mr Beaver at his house and there they spoke about a plan to get rid of the witch. To do so they needed the greatest Aslan but Edmund snuck out to the witch’s house. He saw many creatures turned into stone. Edmund tells the witch that his brother and sisters were going to Aslan.
Meanwhile the kids were already meeting Aslan. They heard sleigh bells and they thought it might be the witch. But it wasn’t her. It was Santa Claus. He gave Lucy a diamond bottle of cordial made from fireflowers so magical that it could heal the wounded.
The witch imprisoned Edmund….
WHAT DO YOU THINK IT HAPPENED TO EDMUND? Do you think the children saved him? Or not?