Selfless Leadership Following the Example of Jesus
Things I’ve Learned About Selfless Leadership A level 5 Leader gives credit to others when things go good, and takes blame when things go wrong (From Good to Great ~ Collins) Philippians 2:3 “Consider others better than yourself” John 21:17 “Jesus says, ‘Feed my sheep’” Ask the question, “What’s more important? Achieving your goals… or… helping others achieve theirs? When you get home, more wag, less bite (Sonny Newton) The wrong question is, “How much can I make?” Instead ask the question, “How much IMPACT can I make?” “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less” ~C.S.Lewis
Examples from the Life of Jesus Jesus owned nothing so he could travel light and be totally focused on others He gave up family to be about His mission (Father’s business) He was thoughtful of others needs, providing free food for his listeners He helped fishermen catch fish (provision of others) He healed people left and right… and not only did he never ask for anything, but he often instructed witnesses not to tell of it And the ultimate act of selflessness: His death on the cross {Mentor Like Jesus}
Lessons from The Passion Matthew 27:19 [read 11-25] (Pilate’s wife) “Have nothing to do with that righteous Man, for last night I suffered greatly in a dream because of Him” Luke 23:14-49 [read 7-16] (Pilate) “having examined Him before you, I have found no guilt in this man… nor has Herod” Luke 23:28 (Jesus) “Daughters of Jerusalem, stop weeping for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children” Luke 23:34 (Jesus) “Father forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing” Luke 23:41-43 (Criminal) “…we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong” (Jesus) “Today you shall be with me in Paradise” Luke 23:47 (Centurion) {Praising God} “Certainly this Man was innocent” 2 Cor. 5:21 “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him”
Our Problem We’re not Jesus… but He knew that when He commissioned us P MLJ “Everyone is interested in his own deal, not anyone else’s” Our lives are busy, schedules filled up with our own stuff There is our own futures to worry about (health, retirement, security) We’ve trusted before & lost (how much can I trust others?) We don’t recognize the leaders that we are Doubt clouds whatever potential we have (but it’s really not OUR potential we need to rely on, whether it me $$ - time – ability – education)
You as a Selfless Leader S = Serve, serve, serve What is the most loving thing I can do in this leadership moment? E = Empathy (walk a mile in their shoes) Limit the words “I,” “my,” and “me” R = Reciprocate (give back, pass on blessing, don’t become a parking spot for blessings or recognition) Takes an EGO (Exalting God Only, not Edging God Out) Power passes through me, not from me V = Vision casting (be conscious of others’ future, and play a role) Prepare others, Paint a picture, Guide their efforts E = Empower (Pass on power, don’t harness it) This shows trust{Lead Like Jesus}
Action Items Take what you know about leadership (what are your favorite lessons learned on Selfless Leading?) Take a lesson from how Jesus lived (what about Jesus’ life on Earth sticks out to you?) Remember the extreme way Jesus died to self in The Passion Recognize (even NAME) what is standing in your way of leading selflessly (and filter that through the three above take-away’s) Write out a plan of how the SERVE acronym could look in your life