Core Beliefs of Judaism
MONOTHEISM Jews believe in only one God. The sacred name of God is YHWH, pronounced Yahweh. Yahweh is… Creator of everything Everywhere (omnipresent) All powerful (omnipotent) All knowing (omniscient) Eternal
CHOSEN PEOPLE Jews believe that God has chosen them as his special people and established a covenant with them. This means… The Jewish people have the special responsibility of receiving the Torah Jews are responsible for passing the ethical message of the Torah to the world And does NOT mean… Jews think they are better than other people Jews think non-Jews need to convert
MESSIAH In the time of the prophets, people began to believe that a Messiah (annointed one) would come Jews believe the Messiah will… Be a human (NOT divine) Be a descendant of King David Be an observant of Jewish Law, a righteous judge, and a great military leader Begin a time of peace (Messianic Age) Return all Jews to Israel and rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem
MITZVOT Commandments which guide Jewish religious practice and ethical behavior There are 613 Mitzvot in all Some of the most famous Mitzvot are… Prayer Charity (Tzedakah) Dietary Laws (Kashrut) The Sabbath (Shabbat)