Absolute Monarchy Definition: Leader (King or Queen) has ALL power Guiding Belief: King chosen by God! (Divine Right) –Leader makes and enforces all laws
“Saudi Arabia is an example Today”
Constitutional Monarchy Definition: power of the leader (king) is limited by a legislative body (parliament) Belief: God chose the king, BUT people get to choose the legislative body –King or queen (head of state) and a prime minister (head of government)
“England is an example Today”
Theocracy Definition: A government ruled by religion Belief: Country is ruled by the religious leader : Laws based on religious law! (Sharia Law)
“Iran is a great example today”
Democracy Definition: A government elected by the people Belief: people vote & power is shared between branches –President as head of state –Legislature as governing body
“United States is an example Today”
Dictatorship Definition: A government ruled by one person, by force! Belief: One person makes and enforces the laws –Hitler, Mussolini, Sadaam Hussein were examples
“Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, & Iraq were great examples”
Republic Definition: A government in which power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote for legislative body Belief: Representatives chosen by people to run country –Legislative body chooses “head of state”
“India is an example Today”
Communism Definition: A government which controls all aspects of life including the government and economy Belief: Owns property such as businesses and farms : Provides healthcare, education and welfare
“China & North Korea are examples today”
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1 This form of government is elected by the people and everyone is eligible to vote.
1 Democracy Home
2 A government ruled by a king or queen who has all the power over the government.
2 Absolute Monarchy
3 A country ruled by a single leader. The leader has not been elected and may use force to keep control.
3 Dictatorship
4 A King or Queen is head of state, but their powers are limited and the real power lies in an elected body.
4 Constitutional Monarchy
5 The government owns property such as businesses and farms and provides its people's healthcare, education and welfare.
5 Communism
6 A situation where there is no government.
6 Anarchy
7 Government is ruled by a religious leader and by religious law.
7 Theocracy
8 A government in which a few people such as a dominant clan or clique have power.
8 Oligarchy
9 A country that has no monarch, but is headed by an elected president or official is a ________.
9 Republic