Programming-1: Java for non-majors COM S 207 Programming-1: Java for non-majors Instructor: Ying Cai Department of Computer Science Iowa State University Office: Atanasoff 201 Office Hours: MWF 1:30pm-3:00pm
Course Resources Instructor: Ying Cai and Pavan Aduri UTAs (shared with Dr. Pavan Aduri) Austin Brunell ( Joseph D Roorda ( Boa-Lin Lai Christopher Haman ( Lucas Collins ( Text book Java for Everyone, by Cay Horstmann
Course Websites Blackboard Announcements Posting and submission of Homeworks Recitation Quizzes Grades Discussion Board, help chat, etc. My homepage Lecture slides
What is this course about Com S 207. Programming I. (3-1) Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: Math 150 or placement into Math 140/141/142 or higher. An introduction to computer programming using an object-oriented programming language. Emphasis on the basics of good programming techniques and style. Extensive practice in designing, implementing, and debugging small programs. Use of abstract data types. Interactive and file I/O. Exceptions/error-handling. This course is designed for nonmajors. What not listed here is more important: help you understand computational thinking
Objectives Course is aimed at students with little or no prior programming experience. Be able to read and understand programs written by others Be able to figure out how to solve problems using the computer as a tool Be able to write small scale programs using Java Learn how to find information on programming using Java
Topic Coverage Unit -1 – Preliminary Concepts Introduction to Course Introduction to programming Primitive Datatypes Unit-2 – Objects/Decisions/Loops Decisions/Loops Objects Methods/Libraries Unit-3 – Arrays/Exceptions Basic Arrays & ArrayLists 2D Arrays If time allows Recursion/Exc Handling Inheritance
How to do well in this class Attend all classes and recitations Do all homeworks/self-quizzes etc. in a timely manner Use your resources: instructors, TAs, textbook You have to write and run your own programs Ask questions
Grading (tentative) Points Grade 90+ A 85-89 A- 80-84 B+ 75-79 B 70-74 65-69 C+ 60-64 C 55-59 C- 45-54 D Below 45 F Item Points Programming HWs 25 Short HWs 10 Quizzes, Recitation, in-class activities 15 Exam-1 Exam-2 Exam-3 Total 100 To receive a passing grade you must score at least 55% in the exams, and at least 55% in the programming assignments. For example, if you score 100% in the exams, quizzes, recitations, activities, but score 54% in programming assignments, you will not receive a passing grade..”
Mutual Contract Instructor Students I will provide information about basic Java programming principles and practice to the best of my knowledge I will uphold my professional ethics Students I will participate in this course and practice concepts learned through lectures, assignments, and exams to the best of my ability I will uphold academic honesty, professional ethics and be a good class and world citizen
Other Policies Academic Honesty Disability Students who plagiarize other work in any part of assignment/tests will receive F as the letter grade for this course, and will be reported to the university. Disability If you have a documented disability and anticipate needing accommodations in this course, please make arrangements to meet with me soon.