Spin at J-PARC Naohito Saito for Shoji Nagamiya
Executive Summary Spin physics at J-PARC, now The facility is starting up; Only spin physics would be T-reversal experiment (E06; TREK) in the existing facility Spin physics plans in a future Proposals for spin polarized proton beams Muon g-2 / EDM experiment Neutron EDM experiment Collaboration Collaboration with Brookhaven National Lab BNL - RIKEN Collaboration US Japan framework (BNL – KEK) We are open for any other possibilities for collaboration
Bird’s eye photo in Feb. 2008
Proposals at MR
Zoom in to Proposals Hyper Nuclear Physics Spin Physics Time Reversal Spin Physics Neutrino Physics Hyper Nuclear Physics Exotic Search K Rare Decay Drell-Yan
Polarized proton acceleration at J-PARC 6 BRAHMS & PP2PP STAR PHENIX AGS LINAC BOOSTER Pol. H - Source 200 MeV Polarimeter AGS Internal Polarimeter rf Dipole RHIC pC Polarimeters Absolute Polarimeter (H jet) AGS pC Polarimeters Cold Partial Helical Siberian Snake Warm Partial Helical Siberian Snake PHOBOS Pol. H - Source 180/400 MeV Polarimeter rf Dipole 30% Partial Helical Siberian Snakes pC CNI Polarimeter Extracted Beam Polarimeter Collaboration with BNL
Accelerating polarized protons in Main Ring Beam energy: 3 GeV ~ 50 GeV (G = ) Design working point: Qx = , Qy = Many imperfection resonances Strong intrinsic resonance J-PARC Spin Physics Workshop7
Spin Tracking in MR (A. Luccio) J-PARC Spin Physics Workshop No Snake =10 mm mrad No Snake =10 mm mrad 8 With Snakes =4 mm mrad With Snakes =4 mm mrad Qx = Qy = Single particle tracking at the nominal tune of the lattice The polarization is lost at the resonances at G = 3N +-
J-PARC Spin Physics Workshop9 Possible locations of partial snakes in MR First 30% snakeSecond 30% snake Courtesy of T. Roser
Early Phase Experiments at Hadron Hall Handron Hall Beam Dump K1.8 (Fall,2009~) K1.8BR (Dec.2008~) K1.1 KL K (→ 50) GeV primary beam Production target (T1) Kaonic Nuclei Kaonic Atom Eta meson Nuclei Hyper-Nuclei, Hyper-Nuclei Spectroscopy of Hyper-Nuclei Neutron Rich Hyper-Nuclei - Atom, Pentaquark,….
Parking Lot Solution? m
Possible Extension of Hadron Hall To G-2 beam line
Experimental Devices Muon Experimental Area Neutron Scattering Area Materials & Life Experimental Facility Neutron Beam Lines (23 total) Neutron Beam Lines (23 total) Target Station Scattered Neutrons Proton Beam Proton Beam Number of Users: about 3,000
Muon Beam Production Area
backups 15
Muon Storage Ring BNL-E821 achieved ultra precision as such large magnet (14 m – diameter) Local uniformity ~ 100 ppm 0.1 ppm integrated field Smaller Ring with Hi Field just matches with MRI technology Active shimming – 1 ppm local uniformity High field (~ 7 T) with large gap (~ 40 cm) is possible 16
Muon magnetic moment Magnetic moment and spin can be related as Dirac equation predicts g=2 Radiative corrections (including NEW PHYSICS) would make g≠2 a=0 a≠0 a=1.2e-3 for e, , … a=1.8 for proton a=1.2e-3 for e, , … a=1.8 for proton
SM Contribution to Any particle which couples to muon/photon would contribute : QED >> Hadron > Weak a≠0
Current Precision E821 at BNL- AGS measured down to 0.7 ppm for both + and 3.4 sigma deviation from the SM Need to explore further
Muon g-2 in the LHC era Even the first SUSY discovery was made at LHC, the muon g-2 measurement remains unique to determine SUSY parameters: and tan
Shipping to J-PARC Estimated to be $2.5M Need to be refined
Muon Facility at MLF Only One port out of four ports are instrumented Muon team welcomes new initiative! 22
J-PARC Plan for FY ceiling shield 07.9 solenoid install radiation safety proton beam Project budget ( 2005−8 ) Special budget for PS- experimental. ( 2005−8 ) Phase II budget ( ) 10 7 /s 2005 1)Building construction 2)M2 tunnel BL component manufacture 2006 1)M2 tunnel BL component install 2)Air Cooling system 、 Electricity 2007 1)M2 tunnel BL commissioning 2)SCS channel install 2008 1)Exp apparatus for general user 2)Surface muon channel (tunnel-B3) 3)Front magnet for slow muon 2008/9 muon beam Decay/Surface MuonPor +, - / 10 7 /s 4MeV-40MeV Phase IIa Super Omega muon channel High Momentum Decay Muon Port ? (In future) From Miyake-san
Intense Ultra Slow Muon At J-PARC, Aiming at; 1)Repetition Rate 25 Hz (At RIKEN-RAL 50 Hz) factor 2 times 2)Surface Muon Yield by Super Omega Channel 4.0 x 10 8 /s / 1.2 x 10 6 /s (RIKEN-RAL) = 333 times 3)Lyman- Intensity by Laser Development 100 J/p / 1 J/p (RIKEN-RAL) = 100 times Our Goal of Ultra Slow Muon Yield is 20 /s x 2 x 333 x 100 = 1.3 x 10 6 /s (10 4 /s without Laser Developments) Riken-RAL Slow Muon Intensity Maximum J-PARC Slow Muon Intensity From Miyake-san Iwasaki, Wada, Midorikawa et al. at RIKEN Iwasaki, Wada, Midorikawa et al. at RIKEN
Re-Acceleration Consulted Takayama-san, Yokoya-san, Sato-san Takayama-san is exploring the possibility And also suggested to explore LINAC option LINAC Systems Don Swenson et al. 10 MeV Proton Linac < $3M 25
Muon Trio (named by Kuno-san) 26 Aoki-san’s NuFact ‘03
Muon EDM Direct CPV in Lepton Sector Current Exp. Limit ~ 1e-19 Potential Sensitivity of J- PARC ~ MLF ~ 1e-24 w/ P RISM 27
RSC-MLF vs MR-Hadron Hall MLFHD-HallHD w/ new TGT Beam Power1MW0.75MW Target6%30% 60 kW225kW Acceptance150 msr1msr400 msr Relative to MLF11/4010
Optimization of muon mom. 29 Mev/c
Muon Beam available at J-PARC Muon Surface Muon Port Super Omega Muon Port Decay/Surface Muon Port 3000 times as KEK-MSL 30 times as RIKEN-RAL From Miyake-san
Current result is 3.4 sigma above from the SM value If LHC discovers SUSY, tan can be determined to tan ≤ 20% LOI submitted in 2003 to improve the precision (AGS) by up to one order of magnitude at J-PARC Efforts toward a proposal have started to realize the experiment in the earlier phase of J-PARC Technical feasibility of bunch sequences and beamline are being explored Harmonics changes in the MR and kicker design are key issues KEK designed new inflector for a better muon injection efficiency g-2 ring to be shipped from BNL Muon L. Roberts, D. Hertzog, Y. Kuno and N. Saito, et al
Muon Spin precession Measured to be Expected to be
How it is Measured? Precession frequency ( a ) of muon spin in the storage ring is measured;
Brain-storming! Why at magic gamma? What if no E-field? ⇒ requires ultra cooled muon beam p/p << 1e-5 Muon collider technique? Cooling, FFAG etc. Ultra-Slow Muon Source at J-PARC MLF? 35
Ultra-Slow Muon Source K.Nagamine et al. PRL 74 (1995) 4811 Y.Matsuda et al. NP B(Proc) 155 (2006) 346 Laser Ionization of Muonium 36
Super-Omega Muon Beamline for Intense Ultra Slow Muon Beam Normal Conducting(MIC) Capture Solenoids Superconducting Curved Transport Solenoids, ~ 400mSr (0.3T) Curved Solenoid ( 1.4T) Phase 2 From Miyake-san
38 As of 5 years ago