HEALTHY HABITS FOR LIFE A Common Sense Approach to Healthy Living- Grades 4/5 Week Two
Eat Well: A Healthy Approach to Eating Healthy Weight Healthy Eating Your Lifelong Eating Plan The New on Nutrients
Healthy Weight Genetic makeup Metabolic rate Body composition Activity level Food choices Current health problems
Body Mass Index 18 or lessUnderweight 18-24Normal 25-29Overweight 30-39Obese 40 or greaterExtremely Obese
Apple vs. Pears Health Risk BMI Waist less than or equal to: 40 in. (men) 35 in. (women) Waist greater than: 40 in. (men) 35 in. (women) 18 or less-N/A N/A 25-29IncreasedHigh 30-39HighVery High 40 or greaterExtremely High
Healthy Eating Base your lifelong plan on guidelines from MyPyramid Maintain a healthy relationship with food Avoid the “good food/bad food” mentality Remember moderation and variety in all your food choices
Your Lifelong Eating Plan Eat Well for the Health of It Assess your current eating habits Compare them to MyPyramid Create your own eating plan
Estimated Daily Calorie Needs Calorie Range AgeSedentary Active Female Males
Create Your Eating Plan: Going Further Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) ___ (wt in pounds) x ___ (10 woman, 11 man) =____ calories for basic energy needs (BMR) Calorie Needs for Physical Activity ___ calories for BMR x ___ activity # = ____ calories for activity
Create Your Eating Plan: Going Further Calorie Needs for Digestion and Absorption BMR calories + activity calories x 0.1 = ____ calories for digestion & absorption (D&A) Total Calorie Needs BMR calories + activity calories + D&A calories =___ Total
Your Healthy Eating Plan The secret to lifelong health is to form a healthy daily eating pattern, not a regimented routine.
The News on Nutrients Carbohydrates Benefits: – Energy – Fiber: Soluble and Insoluble Sources: grains, cereals, fruits, vegetables. legumes
The News on Nutrients Fiber –Recommendation: 14 g fiber for every 1000 calories consumed Maintains proper bowel function Decreases the risk for heart disease and some cancers Moderates blood glucose levels Lowers your calorie intake by helping you to stay full longer
The News on Nutrients Protein Strengthens blood Builds and maintains muscle and body structure Sources: meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dried beans (including soy), lentils, nuts and seeds
The News on Nutrients Fat Energy Satiety Adds the flavor to food
Defining the Fats Monounsaturated Polyunsaturated Saturated Omega-3 Fatty Acids Trans Fatty Acids
A Word About Vitamins Minerals –Calcium –Iron Phytochemicals
Are you getting enough? Water: ????
The Plan: Week Two Complete the Eat Well assessment brochure Set up your pyramid based eating plan Complete your Food and Activity Journal for this week