Nutrition Carbohydrates Fats Water Minerals Protein Fiber Vitamins Computers 8 Ken Gunstone
Carbohydrates Gives you energy. Two major types simple and complex -Simple sugars -complex starches Grains, fruits and vegetables, oats nuts are some. can upset the balance of Your body blood. Simple carbohydrates are also known as sugars.
Fats Develop brain and nervous system. Older 2 should get 30% calories from fat. 3 types - Saturated - Trans -Omega 3 Oils, butter and meat all contain fats.
Protein Keeps digestive system healthy. Beef, fish, eggs dairy products. helps maintain and replaces your tissues. Eat lots of specialized protein molecules to make them have pacific jobs. makes up you ligaments, tendons ETC. Types of protein Essential and Nonessential.
Fiber Some Best foods : Cheese, peanut butter, eggs, cereal. 2 types – Water soluble fiber. – Insoluble fiber. Helps the stomach. Have 20 to 35 grams a day. High fiber diets help slow epidemic type 2 diabetes.
Vitamins Helps you grow and stay healthy. 2 types – Fat soluble. – Water soluble. Organic foods have vitamins. Are chemical compound the body uses. 13 different important nutrients for humans.
Minerals Meat is a good source of minerals. 2 types – Macro minerals – Micro/Trace of minerals Minerals makes your bones stronger. Are inorganic substances. Calcium is the top mineral when it comes to your bones
Water Keeps you hydrated allows you to do more sports. You can’t go 2 days with out it. Carries Air to blood cells. Your body would not work properly without it. Cant drink salt water. 780 million people don’t have access to water. A healthy person can drink 48 cups of water.
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