NE X US hep-ph/ Physics Reports 350 (2001) Guideline: theoretical consistency hep-ph/ Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 3506 Hajo Drescher, Fuming Liu Sergej Ostapchenko, Tanguy Pierog Klaus Werner
1 Parton-based Gribov-ReggeTheory Aim: connecting properly parton model and Gribov-Regge Theory Extending work by Gribov, Kaidalov, Capella...
Reminder (Basic QM)
Symbols: full and dashed line elastic and cut diagram Very useful for nucleus-nucleus
soft hardsemihard (one of three) The elastic amplitude: Soft: parameterization - hard: pQCD - semihard: convolution soft/hard
Inelastic scattering in pp: Amplitude: Squared amplitude => interference terms: => Symbolic notation
Inelastic scattering in AB: Squaring amplitude sum over many interference terms expressed via cut and uncut elementary diagrams full energy conservation!! (Elastic and inelastic elem. Interactions)
We sum all terms in a class => (K). The inelastic cross section is a sum over classes: Symbol b = impact parameter + nuclear coordinates - Number of cut diagrams for kth NN pair - Momentum fractions of elementary interactions Classes of interference terms:
Interpretation: One can show: with
serves clearly as basis to calculate (topological) cross sections but also particle production conserving energy in both cases !! (the only model which does so) Consistency problem solved !!
Pomeron number distribution narrower than in conv. appr. Considerably less multiplicity fluctuations in pp comparison with data: not so great Comparing with conventional approach Dashed: conventional Full: new approach
2 Pomeron-Pomeron Interactions Shadowing Saturation Diffraction Screening Increasing mult. fluctuations Solving F 2 - tot puzzle One additional parameter: triple Pomeron coupling. Fixed from HERA diffractive data
Parton language: Consider a cut Pomeron as a succession of parton emissions = parton cascade At high energies, more and more parton cascades contribute They overlap and interact
Energy dependence With increasing energy, higher and higher orders have to be considered We fix a maximal energy (so far LHC) and consider all contributing orders
Cutting diagrams
Elastic scattering: Cut diagrams: Reduces increase of cross section with energy (screening) Increases multiplicity fluctuations Some consequences
No effect on inclusive spectra: relative weight of diagrams 1 : -4 : 2 the three contributions cancel Inclusive spectra The diagrams do not cancel. The middle one is dominant. negative contribution softening of inclusive spectra
Consider the different contributions to inclusive particle production in pp scattering at given rapidity ( ) factorizable non-factorizable Contribution zero (complete cancellation) inclusive cross section is factorizable
The different contributions to F 2 in deep inelastic scattering (DIS) are as well factorizable: So does this mean one can hide all these complicated diagrams in a simple measurable function f ? with the same function f as in pp scattering
YES - if one is only interested in inclusive spectra NO - if one is interested in total cross sections: tot = factorizable + non-factorizable diagrams Very important! NO - if one is interested in Monte Carlo applications topological cross sections = factorizable + non-factorizable diagrams Very important!
Structure function F 2 Red: complete calculation Blue: calculation without Pomeron-Pomeron interactions Little difference !!!! because of many cancellations
Total and elastic cross section in pp Red: complete calculation Blue: calculation without Pomeron-Pomeron interactions Big difference!!! Important contributions from nonfactorizable diagrams
3 NE X US + Hydro Nucleus-nucleus collisions: particle densities are too high for independent string fragmentation Use NEXUS for the initial stage ( 0 ) Calculate energy density and velocity field at = 0 Apply hydro evolution for 0 (event by event!) Efficient hydro code = SPHERIO C.E. Aguiar, T. Kodama U.F. Rio de Janeiro T. Osada,Y. Hama U. São Paulo Coupling: O. Socolowski, KW Nantes
Summary Final stage: hydro-evolution Considerable improvement of the GRT approach by considering energy conservation properly Pomeron-Pomeron interactions are crucial but contribute differently for inclusive spectra and cross sections (eikonal approach does not work)