Moving from Content to Sharing to Sales ALTURASOLUTIONS COMMUNICATIONS (773)
What is content marketing? “Content marketing is the process of creating and distributing valuable and compelling content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience—with the objective of driving profitable customer action.”
Content marketing is The art of communicating without selling. Delivering information that makes your buyers more intelligent. Building an emotional connection with your customers. Image credit:
Traditional vs. content marketing TRADITIONAL MARKETING Hey! I’m a rock star! You should really buy my album! Rent media: CONTENT MARKETING Listen to my song for free, I really hope you’ll like it. Own media:
Good content marketing will… The objective is to drive profitable customer action. If you deliver consistent, ongoing, valuable information to buyers, they will ultimately reward you with their business and loyalty. …make a person… …your audience.
Acknowledgments Quotes and comments from: Epic Content Marketing: How to Tell a Different Story, Break through the Clutter, and Win More Customers by Marketing Less by Joe Pulizzi