Melissa Lancaster Erin Dawson Mark Kimble Ashley Hookway
Cognitive Concepts This movie highlights many different aspects of memory Episodic, autobiographical, emotional, etc. We’re focusing on two of them Cognitive processes are active Memory and Emotion relationship
Active Processes Our cognitive processes are active Major theme of cognition! Memory is a lively process requiring active synthesis and transformation of information It is not just a passive storage system
Article Summary: Active Processes We actively construct our memories as they are retrieved Disputes the computer or video tape idea We integrate our experiences, knowledge and schemas into our long-term memory As we reconstruct our memories, we combine information we’ve stored
Memory and Emotion Theme of autobiographical memory: reconstruction Memory is not a unitary brain function Conscience recollection of the past Amygdala and emotional memory Feelings as a stimulus
Article Summary: Emotions & Memory Authors: LaBar & Cabeza Analysis of several studies Purpose: investigate the connection between emotion and episodic memory Defined two dimensions of emotion: Arousal = varies from calm to excitement Valence = varies from unpleasant to pleasant
Emotional Memory Studies included healthy adults & adults w/brain damage to the amygdala. Results: damage = no feeling or emotional connection healthy = able to reconstruct emotions related to particular memories.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Joel and Clementine After two years, had a bad breakup Clementine goes to Lacuna, Inc. and gets her memory of Joel erased
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Joel undergoes memory erasure, too During the procedure, he decides he does not want to continue
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Joel attempts to wake-up, hold onto his memories, & hide Clementine in memories where she does not belong in order to keep her memory in tact
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Joel’s attempts are unsuccessful Joel and Clementine run into each other in Montauk, and are instantly attracted to each other…the relationship begins again
Eternal Sunshine & Active Processes Scenes from the movie that illustrate Memory’s Active Process Barnes & Noble bookstore memory First attempt at ‘hiding’ Clementine (childhood) Walking in the woods, attempts to ‘wake-up’
Eternal Sunshine & Emotional Memory Scenes from the movie that illustrate the Emotional aspect of Memory When Joel is a little boy, under the table When Clementine has a ‘break-down’ and does not know why