w w w. n e s s t a r. c o m
Online access to repositories of survey data: Nesstar unlocking data, creating knowledge Margaret Ward Presented at the Best practices in sharing data conference, 17 March 2006, Regents college, London
w w w. n e s s t a r. c o m What does Nesstar do? Web based data dissemination For you: –Publish –Manage For users: –Discover –Visualise –Analyse –Share
w w w. n e s s t a r. c o m Core Components Located on server Nesstar Server - includes an SQL-based metadata management system, a data storage system, a powerful statistical engine as well as a flexible access control system. Nesstar WebView – totally customisable and configurable layer that presents the search, browse, display, analysis and retrieval options to the user. Able to seamlessly handle survey data, cubes and other resources.. Located on desktop Nesstar Publisher – a sophisticated authoring environment that can publish data from a variety of sources (including SPSS, SAS, Excel etc.). The tool includes a specialised metadata editor, data and metadata validation routines and metadata templates that provide standardisation and control.
w w w. n e s s t a r. c o m Publisher End-user clients RetrieveUpload Metadata and data input Import Metadata and data editing and management Data and metadata retrieval and display Overview Internet
w w w. n e s s t a r. c o m Examples of use: ESDS Popular datasets available via Nesstar Organised by survey series, e.g. Labour Force Survey Question text available with variables Ability to perform simple analysis online Subset and download
w w w. n e s s t a r. c o m Examples of use: Mki Observatory Customised-off-the- shelf solution Holding national and local indicators 300 datasets One-stop shop for information Growth issues facing Milton Keynes Accurate and up-to- date information Data sharing
w w w. n e s s t a r. c o m Nesstar Demonstration Current released version 3 available from: Latest beta version 3.5 available from:
w w w. n e s s t a r. c o m