Fix the Problem 10/21/13 Kids nowadays spend more time indoors than outdoors. You have decided to build a program that will help kids get fit. Writing Task: Write a strong introduction convincing First Lady Michelle Obama why your program should be used as she travels to schools to spread the Get Fit message. (Hint: Yellow Bookmark)
E.Q. How can muscle statements help me produce a strong body? ELACC8W1: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. c. Use words, phrases, and clauses to clarify the relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons and evidence. Today I will develop my body paragraphs by building strong muscle statements.
How do I build muscles? Muscle Building Muscle Building
Your Muscle is your Money Q & A Example Emotional Statement If…Then Who Cares? Anecdote
Building a Strong Introduction: Paragraph 2 Reason 1 (state in a new way) Muscle Statement 1 Muscle Statement 2 Muscle Statement 3
Example Muscle Statement Sentence Starters: For example, For instance, One example of this is… Another example of…
Teacher’s Model Question/Topic: Should homework be banned? Homework grades help boost low scores. Homework should NOT be banned. Homework should NOT be banned. Homework should be banned. Students need to practice skills learned in class. Strong Introduction: Momma always says, “Practice makes perfect.” Many people think homework should be banned. Despite others opinion, I support not banning homework. Students need to practice skills learned in class. Also, homework grades help boost low test scores. Homework allows students to improve on skills learned in class. For example, my English teacher Mrs. Z taught us the steps for creating an introduction paragraph. In class, we learned the steps and practiced them together. For homework, we were given a new topic and another opportunity to practice the steps again.
Who Cares? Muscle Statement Sentence Starters: This is particularly important because… I find this to be significant because… This is important… This has merit because…
Teacher’s Model Question/Topic: Should homework be banned? Homework grades help boost low scores. Homework should NOT be banned. Homework should NOT be banned. Homework should be banned. Students need to practice skills learned in class. Strong Introduction: Momma always says, “Practice makes perfect.” Many people think homework should be banned. Despite others opinion, I support not banning homework. Students need to practice skills learned in class. Also, homework grades help boost low test scores. Homework allows students to improve on skills learned in class. This is important because it is easy for students to forget what they learned in class, and homework ensures that they remember it.
If…then This is a cause and effect statement. You are stating that IF one thing happens, another could potentially occur. Examples: If parents don’t give their kids freedom, then they will never learn to make good decisions on their own. If I had the chance to write my own television show, it would be popular and downright fabulous. If we don’t stand up for our rights, then no one will.
Teacher’s Model Question/Topic: Should homework be banned? Homework grades help boost low scores. Homework should NOT be banned. Homework should NOT be banned. Homework should be banned. Students need to practice skills learned in class. Strong Introduction: Momma always says, “Practice makes perfect.” Many people think homework should be banned. Despite others opinion, I support not banning homework. Students need to practice skills learned in class. Also, homework grades help boost low test scores. Homework allows students to improve on skills learned in class. If students didn’t fully understand it the first time, then they can practice the skill at home to gain a better understanding.
How many muscle statements do you need in your 2nd paragraph? Putting it all together: Example + Who Cares? + If … then Homework allows students to improve on skills learned in class. For example, my English teacher Mrs. Z taught us the steps for creating an introduction paragraph. In class, we learned the steps and practiced them together. For homework, we were given a new topic and another opportunity to practice the steps again. This is important because it is easy for students to forget what they learned in class, and homework ensures that they remember it. If students didn’t fully understand it the first time, then they can practice the skill at home to gain a better understanding.
Guided Practice Let’s Build Our Muscle for a Blog Paragraph.
Independent Practice Topic: Return to your Bear Time. Complete Body Paragraph #1 Using Muscle Statements.
Q& A How many muscle statements do you need for each body paragraph? What 3 muscle statements did you learn today? Which one do you like the best? Why?