GOALS FOR TONIGHT’S SESSION 1)Provide an understanding of the correlation between Explore, Plan and ACT and a test overview 2)To help students/parents to use test results for improvement 3)Answer your questions 3
RCS moves to EPAS… (Educational Planning and Assessment System) -Explore, Spring of 8 th grade -Explore, Spring of 9 th grade -PLAN, Spring of 10 th grade -ACT/MME, Spring of 11 th grade 3
Benefits to EPAS: -Allows for a yearly measurement of growth -Provides staff and students with an “early warning” system -Provides ACT practice and preparation -Allows for National comparisons 3
What Does EXPLORE/PLAN Measure? A. English skills B. Math skills C. Reading skills D. Science skills critical reasoning skills 3
What Does the ACT Measure? A. English skills B. Math skills C. Reading skills D. Science skills E. Writing skills critical reasoning skills 3
EXPLORE 8th and 9th grade (score range 1 to 25) PLAN 10th grade (score range 1 to 32) ACT 11th and 12th grade (score range 1 to 36) Educational Planning and Assessment System (EPAS)
Why Take Explore/PLAN? Explore and Plan show you your strengths and weaknesses in English, math, reading, and science Explore and Plan let you know if you’re on target for college Explore and Plan help you find careers that match your interests Explore and Plan help you prepare for the ACT
Your Students Scores
Your Estimated ACT Composite Score Range
Your High School Course Plans Compared to Core
College Readiness
Profile for Success
Your Reported Needs
Your Career Possibilities
PLAN Score Report Side 2
Review Your Answers
Your Skills
What do I do now? Now that you’ve taken the Explore and/or PLAN, you know much more about your skills, career interests, and readiness for college. Using your PLAN Score Report, ask yourself some questions: Am I on target for college? What skills do I need to improve to be ready for college? Am I taking a rigorous core curriculum? What careers interest me most?
ACT College-Readiness Benchmarks ACT Readiness Benchmarks for Credit-Earning College Courses College EXPLORE (8 th /9 th )PLAN (10 th )ACT (11 th /12 th ) Credit-EarningCollege ReadinessCollege ReadinessCollege Readiness CourseBenchmarksBenchmarksBenchmarks English Comp.EnglishEnglishEnglish AlgebraMathMathMath Social ScienceReadingReadingReading BiologyScienceScienceScience 9th th
Graduating Class of 2008 Measuring College Readiness Achieved Readiness for Credit-Bearing College English (in percent) 18
Graduating Class of 2008 Measuring College Readiness Achieved Readiness for Credit-Bearing College Algebra (in percent) 22
Graduating Class of 2008 Measuring College Readiness Achieved Readiness for Credit-Bearing College Social Sciences (in percent) 21
Graduating Class of 2008 Measuring College Readiness Achieved Readiness for Credit-Bearing College Biology (in percent) 24
Graduating Class of 2008 Measuring College Readiness Percent of Students Meeting ALL FOUR College Readiness Benchmarks
Question: What is the best preparation for scoring well on the ACT? What happens in the classroom day in an day out 14
RHS TESTING SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 12, 2009: 9 th Graders- Explore Testing 10 th Graders- PLAN Testing 11 th Graders- ACT bubbling, meetings with counselors SENIORS REPORT AT 10:43
2. 3.
RHS TESTING SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 12, 2009: 9 th Graders- Explore Testing 10 th Graders- PLAN Testing 11 th Graders- ACT bubbling, meetings with counselors SENIORS REPORT AT 10:43