Breaking barriers to innovation and learning An exercise in Systems Thinking and Innovation: Notice barriers & break them. 1.What is innovation? What is learning? 2.Risk mistakes and accept being wrong 3.Thinking in different ways 4.Some rules for innovating with others Personal reflection: Observe yourself and record what you notice Agenda
Breaking barriers to innovation and learning An exercise in Systems Thinking and Innovation: Notice barriers & break them. 1.What is innovation? What is learning? Innovation: “Acting on ideas for a purpose” Learning: “Observing self and changing” Personal reflection: State your purpose in the world Observe and note how you view the world Identify personal barriers to innovation and change Break key barriers, innovate and learn!
An exercise in Systems Thinking and Innovation: Notice barriers. Break them. 2. Risk mistakes –A message from a Tar Heel Breaking barriers to innovation and learning
An exercise in Systems Thinking and Innovation: Notice barriers. Break them. 2. Risk mistakes –A message from a Tar Heel –A French Philosopher –And 1,200 years earlier, I think therefore I am 2. Risk mistakes –A message from a Tar Heel –A French Philosopher –And 1,200 years earlier, an Augustinian Saint Breaking barriers to innovation and learning
2. Risk mistakes and accept being wrong –A message from a Tar Heel –A French Philosopher and 1,200 years earlier, an Augustinian Saint –And a “wrongologist” from Brown An exercise in Systems Thinking and Innovation: Notice barriers. Break them. 2. Risk mistakes –A message from a Tar Heel –A French Philosopher and 1,200 years earlier, an Augustinian Saint Kathryn Schulz, “Wrongologist” Breaking barriers to innovation and learning
2. Risk mistakes and accept being wrong –A message from a Tar Heel –A French Philosopher and 1,200 years earlier, an Augustinian Saint –And a “wrongologist” from Brown An exercise in Systems Thinking and Innovation: Notice barriers. Break them. Kathryn Schulz, “Wrongologist” Breaking barriers to innovation and learning
The Nine Dot Puzzle: “Connect the nine dots with as few straight lines as possible without lifting the pen from the paper” An exercise in Systems Thinking and Innovation: Notice barriers. Break them. Breaking barriers to innovation and learning 3. Thinking in different ways
Rules Do not lift pen. Keep the lines straight Keep the relative (square) orientation of dots Hints (for thinking in different ways) All Rounds: Observe yourself [Thinking, Feeling, Being & Believing] 1 st Round: Try something [TARR: Think, Act, Review, Re-Act] 2 nd Round: Think systemically [Elements interact for a purpose] 3 rd Round: Borrow a brain [Share understanding and ideas] An exercise in Systems Thinking and Innovation: Notice barriers. Reduce them. A 5-line solution 3. Thinking in different ways
An exercise in Systems Thinking and Innovation: Notice barriers. Break them. From IDEO’s “Shopping Cart” challenge One conversation at a time Stay focused Encourage wild ideas Defer Judgment Build on the ideas of others 4.Some rules for innovating with others
Personal reflection in session: An exercise in Systems Thinking and Innovation: Notice barriers. Break them. You Physically What feelings What thinking What beliefs HelpsHurts HelpsHurts HelpHurt HelpHurt
Practice 1: Personal Scorecard Purpose FamilyHealthFinanceFriends
Practice 2: Prospective Innovation facilitator Executive coach Skills Caring Curious Traits Teacher Speaker Futures