Consult21 Broadband Products Webinar – 18 th October 2007 Cleo Carris-Jones Mandy Ogbodobri Raf Leadbetter Intro: Bill du Cann
Consult21 Forward looking statements – Caution advised BT's 21st Century Network is still in the process of development and the subject of consultation. The information in this presentation may be subject to change at any time without further notice and exclusive reliance on the information in this slide pack is at your own risk. BT has taken reasonable care to check that the information contained in the following slides is accurate at time of publication. In relation to any products/services referred to in this presentation which are currently under development and/or trial, BT gives no undertaking or other commitment that the product/service will be made commercially available. With the exception of any products which have already been launched, any notification timescales, launch dates and pricing information provided is indicative only and will, where applicable, be subject to the successful outcome of any trial and to any legal and regulatory approvals being given
Consult21 Broadband products introduction This presentation is intended to give an overview of the 21CN broadband product portfolio. Topics covered for the products will be: Key features Target markets This session will not covered detailed pricing information, if required please contact your account manager for details. This is in light of BT’s recent announcement on the maintenance of IPstream on 20CN and going for product/customer lead migrations – it is not the intention to cover that decision on this call.
Consult21 Wholesale Broadband Connect (WBC) Cleo Carris-Jones
Consult21 21CN BTW Broadband Portfolio Strategy LLU WBMC MSAN DSLAM EU Backhaul BRAS Core Handover CP site EoI 1 EoI 2 MSIL WBC Converged previously known as WCA WBMC is an end 2 end BTW Broadband solution that consumes WBC and MSIL WBC WBC Converged
Consult21 EU WBC product overview End User Access WBC Interconnect Node End User Access (EUA) Aggregation Point (AP) Extension Path MSIL
Consult21 Service Overview – IPstream Connect & WBC IPstream Connect (20C) WBC and WBC Converged End User Line Connection CopperCopper, FTTP*, FTTC* End User Line Rate ADSL up to 8Mb (Upstream 448 & 832 Kb/s capped) Fixed Rate services Symmetric up to 2Mb ADSL up to 8Mb or 24Mb (Upstream uncapped with a 448Kb/s option) Symmetric service replacement up to 2Mb * Annex M (Upstream uncapped) End User Service Care Standard & EnhancedStandard, Enhanced & Business * Quality of Service Best Efforts Advanced Services Best Efforts, Assured Rate, Real Time, Dedicated Downstream QoS* Multi-cast Interconnect Points (APs) Up to 20 Dependent on final design 20 * Product Roadmap & trials
Consult21 WBC options for reducing fault costs Broadband on 21CN extends this capability to deliver : Faster profile changes and greater granularity Proactive repair tools Delivering more information/tools to customers for complex fault diagnosis Selectable profiles – standard stable and super-stable (for video) Seamless rate adaptation
Consult21 Wholesale Broadband Managed Connect (WBMC) Mandy Ogbodobri
Consult21 Customer Drivers for WBMC Bandwidth Shared and dedicated option Increased capacity Flexible management – scale bandwidth in small increments Smoother Transition to WBC Financially, technically, operationally Mix of 20C and 21C Cost-effective Benefit from economies of scale Efficient bandwidth usage Better margin management
Consult21 End User Wholesale Broadband Managed Connect MSAN Core Transit (MPLS/DWDM) MSILWES WBC WBMC (21C E2E IPstream Alternative) Service Provider IPstream Connect Interface (EoI) End User DSLAM ColossusMSIP 20C IPstream – Present 21C WBMC - Future IPstream Service Provider
Consult21 Wholesale Broadband Managed Connect Up to 24Mb end user access (ADSL2+) Dynamic Line Management Multi-casting capability Assured Rate (QoS) Traffic Prioritisation Shared or Dedicated Backhaul Options Highly competitive backhaul costs 20C and 21C traffic conveyance Flexible (Real Time) bandwidth management for efficiency Internet peering One interface for orders One interface for service assurance, fault handling, escalations Wholesale Broadband Managed Connect – E2E Solution & One Point of Contact Managed Broadband Solution – Full Broadband Option Portal Order Entry & Management CPE, , Web Space Deep Packet Inspection, Traffic Shaping, Session Management User statistics Applications – video download/streaming, calls servers One Point of Contact Up to 24Mb access Competitive Price - Backhaul Up to 24Mb access Competitive Price - Backhaul Future Proof – 20 & 21C Potential - Lower WBC Investment Future Proof – 20 & 21C Potential - Lower WBC Investment ISP Services Included Portal Ordering ISP Services Included Portal Ordering Traffic Management Applications Traffic Management Applications Planned 2008Available or in development
Consult21 WBMC: The Two Variants Shared Shared with multiple CPs Transport over MPLS core Shares costs between CP’s (AP’s, EP’s, MSIL’s) Target Customers: Small to medium CP’s Dedicated Dedicated for medium to large CPs Circuits running AP’s via MSIL’s to CP’s POPs/Premises 1G or 10G Target Customers: >300k-500k end users/high concentration at core nodes Potential to mix and match between two variants
Consult21 WBMC Shared Solution AP WBC Interconnect node 1 WBC Interconnect node 2 WBC Interconnect node N MSANs CP Dedicated CP host link 10Mbps – 1Gbps (future 10Gbps) MSILs bought by WBMC, shared amongst CPs APs bought by WBMC, shared amongst CPs Core transit, owned and managed by WBMC EPs bought by WBMC, shared amongst CPs MSIL Value Added Capability eg DPI = break in / out points for value added services
Consult21 WBMC Dedicated Solution AP WBC Interconnect node 1 WBC Interconnect node 2 WBC Interconnect node N Multiple dedicated CP host links 1Gb – 10Gb MSILs dedicated to one CP APs dedicated to one CP MSANs Core transit via point to point circuits owned and managed by WBMC to requested CP bandwidths CP EPs dedicated to one CP MSIL MSIL, WES and in building Handover options
Consult21 Wholesale Broadband Connect Converged (WBCC) Raf Leadbetter
Consult21 End user environment “Why do I have another number for my broadband phone?” “Why can’t I have a single broadband phone and old telephone service with common features and experience? “Why can’t I decide which phone / device to take a call on? “I want a single message service for all my phone services!” “Why don’t I have the same terms and conditions on my broadband and old telephone service?” “Why do I have another number for my broadband phone?” “Why can’t I have a single broadband phone and old telephone service with common features and experience? “Why can’t I decide which phone / device to take a call on? “I want a single message service for all my phone services!” “Why don’t I have the same terms and conditions on my broadband and old telephone service?”
Consult21 CP requirements Converged voice and broadband Multiple devices using multiple accesses – baseband, soft client, telephony device or WiFi device One call tariff - no matter what device is used One number Broadband ADSL2+ Support increasing volumes of user generated content Enable broadband TV – inc HD TV / video & multi room scenarios QoS to enable customers to consume multiple applications / VAS Customer Experience Control of bundled service elements – add / change Customer set up of voice features / call routing Converged voice and broadband Multiple devices using multiple accesses – baseband, soft client, telephony device or WiFi device One call tariff - no matter what device is used One number Broadband ADSL2+ Support increasing volumes of user generated content Enable broadband TV – inc HD TV / video & multi room scenarios QoS to enable customers to consume multiple applications / VAS Customer Experience Control of bundled service elements – add / change Customer set up of voice features / call routing
Consult21 WBCC proposition Enhanced end user experience. One service, one bill, one help desk, one telephone number, voice features and experience consistency across broadband and narrowband Enhance end user and CP experience through integrated provisioning and service interfaces Lower total cost of ownership for CPs (WBC-SMPF+MPF- WLR-Call Server) plus simpler L2C and T2R processes Flexibility for CPs to differentiate voice service & features and develop integrated voice and data services inline with market developments Launch Phase 1 Dec 08 Ist Condoc Dec 06 2nd Condoc July 07 Phase 1 Development Jan 08 Alpha Trials Aug 08 Beta Trials Oct 08
Consult21 BTW will provide a single access voice and broadband product to CP MPF based converged voice and broadband CP offers both a voice and broadband service to End User Broadband component will provide WBC functionality Narrowband service will allow CPs to supply 21CN PATS services What is WBCC?
Consult21 Broadband products - Feedback Session 1 Session 2 Session 3
Consult21 Broadband products – Q&A Please see the for information