Slide: 1 27 th CEOS Plenary |Montréal | November 2013 Agenda item: 31 Satoko Horiyama MIURA WGISS Report and Actions
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, Actions from the SIT meeting and SIT Technical WS “For Information” 2.Accomplishments since the last Plenary “For Information” & “Requesting Guidance” 3.Current Challenge “Requesting Guidance” 4.Way Forward “For Information” Contents
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, Action SIT28-18:WGISS Chair to report to CEOS Plenary on progress towards specification and implementation of CEOS OpenSearch, raising any issues that CEOS Principals need to consider. →Shown under “Accomplishments” Action SITWS2013-8:Satoko Miura to work with USGS to seek USGS representation within WGISS. → Closed. New representative from USGS was identified. → “I am pleased to announce that the newly established USGS Data Management Branch out of EROS will be supporting this activity and Kristi Kline is the point of contact. “ Message from Mr. Thomas Cecere, USGS CEOS POC 1. Action from the SIT/SIT Technical WS For information
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, Accomplishments 2.1 CEOS OpenSearch Project Progress Goal 4 For information
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, Project Objective −Establishes a common CEOS interoperability best practice of OpenSearch to allow standardized and harmonized access to metadata and data of CEOS member agencies, including CWIC and FedEO communities Project members –ESA –NASA –JAXA –CNES –NOAA 2. Accomplishments 2.1 CEOS OpenSearch Project Progress For information
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, Schedule 2. Accomplishments 2.1 CEOS OpenSearch Project Progress For information WGISS-37 Workshop for client/server implementers Sep OGC-CEOS Joint meeting, Sep23 April/ May (TBD) Sep OGC OpenSearch Public Comment Period (1month) NovOct FedEO and CWIC start to implement the CEOS OpenSearch for external client access (before WGISS-37) CEOS OpenSearch Best Practice Document WGISS-38 Draft document Ver 1.0
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, 2013 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 2013 IDN 7 2. Accomplishments (cont.) 2.2 Dataset registration Status For information Oct ,981 Feb-2013 (Before SIT-28) 14,867 Total Registered Datasets from CEOS Agencies Monthly IDN Entry Updates Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 2013
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, 2013 FedEO (1) Numeric 8 2. Accomplishments (cont.) 2.2 Dataset registration Status For information # of discoverable collections = 433 # of accessible collections = 433 # of discoverable granules > 6 millions
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, 2013 CWIC (1) Numeric (Oct 2013) # of discoverable and accessible collections = 1,809 # of discoverable and accessible granules >50 millions # of GEOSS Data Core => 1,807 collections & >50 millions granules 9 2. Accomplishments (cont.) 2.2 Dataset registration Status For information (2) Updates CCMEO (formerly CCRS) became an operational CWIC partner in October, They are offering Radarsat-1 and Radarsat-2 data.
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, Positive Interaction with Disaster Study Group, WGCapD, WG Climate and WGCV Several Documents Released − GA.4. Disasters (GEOSS Architecture for the Use of Satellites for Disasters and Risk Assessment ) architecture document update − The Browse Guideline Document ( t=blog&id=137&Itemid=218) Is there any appropriate place to publish key Working Group results for all of CEOS? The new version of the CEOS Water Portal was released in May, 2013 ( −Prototyping to evaluate interoperability with GCI (GEO Data Access Broker) is on-going and lessons learned will be summarized early next year. 2. Accomplishments (cont.) 2.3 Others For information Requesting Guidance
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, IDN Dataset Maintenance −An automated report ( ) indicating any problem of each dataset was set up (on periodic basis ). −The first report has been sent to the metadata author (included in each data set information) and CEOS WGISS agency contact on September 17, −WGISS would like to request each CEOS member agency, especially those without active WGISS participation, to have a look at the automated report and take required actions in a timely manner. 3. Current Challenges Requesting Guidance
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, WGISS will work with SEO closely (e.g., historical data search to support SDCG for GFOI and GEOGLAM) WGISS will continue to support data access initiatives (incl. VC and GCI) −Using CEOS OpenSearch protocol, CWIC and FedEO will become accessible from external client (incl. GCI). −IDN will be used as dataset registration system for CEOS agencies. −Demonstration/Showcase based on the VC portal data access initiative (led by CNES) 4. Way Forward For information
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, Leadership Change a.New chair (Nov., 2013~) : Richard Moreno/CNES b.New vice chair (Nov., 2013~) : Andrew Mitchell/NASA WGISS Documents a.The current 5-year plan will be updated, in accordance with the CEOS work plan and related CSS recommendations. 4. Way Forward (cont.) For information
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, 2013 Thank you for… Giving me the first experience to serve as the chair of an international group.
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, 2013 Thank you for… Helping me improve my English skill.
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, 2013 Thank you for… Your kind and warm support during and between the meetings. Your continuous supports for our new chair and vice-chair.
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, BackUp
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, 2013 IDN Interest Group 1.CEOS IDN CEOS International Directory Network ( An international effort developed to assist users in locating data sets, data services, and visualizations. Provide free, online access to metadata on scientific data in the Earth sciences: geoscience, hydrospheric, biospheric, satellite remote sensing, and atmospheric sciences. Provide clients/portals directory-level search of CEOS agencies and others who have registered their collections in the IDN 2.IDN Services IDN CSW access : Procedures for accessing the IDN CSW Testing Server ( Connect to the IDN Metadata Web System (MWS) and Keyword Management System (KMS) RESTful Web Services ( 3.IDN IG IDN IG is responsible for coordinating activities among the participating agencies to maintain, improve, and expand the functions and use of the CEOS IDN, which is the largest scientific directory service in the world. 18
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, IDN IDN Search Options Total CWIC tagged records in the IDN by Agency –NASA1749 –NOAA/NODC 60 –USGS(GFOI, CalVal, Landsat) 55 –INPE (Brazil) 15 –CCRS (Canada) Accomplishments (cont.) 2.2 Dataset registration Status For information
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, 2013 CWIC Project CWIC = CEOS WGISS Integrated Catalog Implemented to realize a federated catalogue for data discovery from multiple EO data centers The CWIC architecture consists of 3 main items: CWIC middleware - provides an access point for an inventory-level search at CEOS agencies who are CWIC data providers CWIC clients/portals - user interfaces to access cross-discipline data from CWIC data providers IDN – International Directory Network (IDN) provides clients/portals directory-level search of CEOS agencies who have registered their collections in the IDN 20
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, 2013 What is HMA A collaborative project started in Europe and Canada by the Ground Segment Coordination Body (GSCB) in 2005 with the objective to: Guarantee a seamless and harmonised access to heterogeneous EO datasets from multiple mission ground segments, including national missions and ESA missions. Standardise the ground segment interfaces of the satellite missions for easier access to EO data. Provide interoperability for coordinated data access enabling the interactions with services or Value Adders and EO Contributing Missions.
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, 2013 FedEO Current Set-up FedEO is a prototype system providing a brokered discovery (and access) capability to European (and Canadian) EO missions data based on HMA interfaces