NSTX-U Transition to Operations Al vonHalle Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory NSTX Upgrade Project Office of Science Review LSB B318 October 2 nd & 3 rd, 2013 NSTX-U Supported by Culham Sci Ctr York U Chubu U Fukui U Hiroshima U Hyogo U Kyoto U Kyushu U Kyushu Tokai U NIFS Niigata U U Tokyo JAEA Inst for Nucl Res, Kiev Ioffe Inst TRINITI Chonbuk Natl U NFRI KAIST POSTECH Seoul Natl U ASIPP CIEMAT FOM Inst DIFFER ENEA, Frascati CEA, Cadarache IPP, Jülich IPP, Garching ASCR, Czech Rep Coll of Wm & Mary Columbia U CompX General Atomics FIU INL Johns Hopkins U LANL LLNL Lodestar MIT Lehigh U Nova Photonics Old Dominion ORNL PPPL Princeton U Purdue U SNL Think Tank, Inc. UC Davis UC Irvine UCLA UCSD U Colorado U Illinois U Maryland U Rochester U Tennessee U Tulsa U Washington U Wisconsin X Science LLC
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3,, Operations Engineering on NSTX Administrative systems utilized for NSTX start-up and operations were originally developed for the TFTR D-T campaign. The procedures and controls described in this presentation were used in the initial commissioning of NSTX in February, 1999, and have been exercised for every restart after an extended outage or maintenance/upgrade period.
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3,, Activity Certification Committee Concerns regarding personnel, environmental, and machine safety are being addressed early in the planning to start experimental operations. NSTX-U maintains an Activity Certification Committee (ACC) comprised of representatives from PPPL Engineering, Research, Safety, and the DOE Princeton Area Office to review newly installed subsystems before commissioning. System reviews are performed at completion of construction activities. The ACC review will include: Review of the revised Safety Assessment Doc. (SAD) – Nov A review of design review documentation and chit resolution Interviews with cognizant engineer(s) Plans for pre-operational & integrated system testing Review of safety/interlock systems Physical walk-downs of equipment Review resolution of remedial steps recommended by ACC.
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3,, Operational Readiness Assessment (ORA) A PPPL QA Audit of NSTX-U Startup Documentation will begin in April The DOE Princeton Site Office (PSO) is arranging for a Operational Readiness Assessment (ORA) before the project moves to start-up. The ACC and QA Audit reports are delivered to the members of the ORA, and the ACC team is made available to interface with the ORA as required. A Two Step ORA is being considered. The NBI Upgrade may be reviewed in late summer 2014, the Vessel, Coils, Centerstack and Balance of Project in the Fall of Safety Certificates allowing Power and then Plasma Operation will be issued upon the recommendations of the ORA.
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3,, Test Cell Access Control Approvals and training required for unescorted access into the NSTX test cell (per OP-NSTX-12): General Employee training (GET) Radiation Safety Training Lockout/Tagout (Control of Energy Sources) Basic Electric Safety Knowledge of Administrative Procedures: Conduct of Operations (OP-AD-39) Chain of Command (OP-AD-56) Work Permit System (OP-AD-09) Control of Temporary Modifications (ENG-036) Control of Workplace Cleanliness (OP-AD-24) NSTX Access Controls (OP-AD-117)
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3,, Managing Work in the Test Cell Work Permits, approved by the PPPL Shift Supervisor, ensure that Test Cell configuration control and proper work practices are maintained. Defines location of work, tools req’d and responsible workers Verifies proper procedures are used (Job specific, Lift, etc.) Checks permit requirements (confined space, radiological, etc.) Provides record for work for checks before resuming ops A Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) is performed for each task to help identify existing and potential workplace hazards, and to find ways to control these hazards. The safety controls/equipment needs are defined on the JHA, and reviewed with staff as part of the pre-job brief.
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3,, Subsystem Prep for Operations Proper system operation is ensured by an approved set of operations procedures: Preoperational Test Procedures describe the equipment, methods and steps to bring sub- systems to an operational state. This includes all vendor supplied and project-designed safety/interlock checks. Integrated System Test Procedures describe the steps to test and document operation or interactions of multiple systems. System Operations Procedures specify the prerequisites, requirements and actions for operating individual systems. General Operating Procedures coordinate the operation of multiple systems.
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3,, Overall Start-Up Procedure An Administrative procedure (OP-NSTX-02) is used to list the sub-system and integrated system procedures used to start-up and operate NSTX-U. The procedure is managed by the NSTX Chief Operating Engineer (COE), who will get sign-offs from the appropriate cognizant engineers upon the completion of each procedure. Prerequisites and the order of completion are specified, and “Hold Points” are included when management approvals are needed. This procedure was used for the initial commissioning of NSTX, and has been revised/used annually for each restart after an NSTX outage with configuration changes (currently working on Rev. #14) The procedure concludes with full power combined field test shots per the electromagnetic ISTP, and the subsequent initiation of the 1 st plasma of the run period.
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3,, OP-NSTX-02 Excerpts 2.SCOPE This procedure defines the criteria for confirming the completion of the preoperational testing of those work elements associated with plasma operations on NSTX: Torus Vacuum Pumping System (TVPS) Torus pumpdown and testing Coil systems and associated hardware AC Power Systems Motor Generator Sets Water Systems Bakeout System Control Systems NTC Safety Interlock Systems Energy Conversion Systems (ECS) Diagnostic Systems Glow Discharge Cleaning (GDC) System Lithium Systems RF Systems (HHFW & ECH) Neutral Beam Injection Systems Preparation of the Machine Areas Integrated System Testing
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3,, OP-NSTX-02 Excerpts 3.REFERENCES (SOME EXAMPLES) PTP-ECS-39FCPC Dummy load tests PTP-ECS-45ECS HiPot Tests PTP-NB-11NB Long Pulse Ion Source Startup Procedure PTP-RF-44NSTX ECH-PI Pre-Operations testing PTP-WS-08NSTX De-Ionized Water/ System Testing OP-ECS-245FCPC Daily Startup/Shutdown Procedure OP-VV-732Leak Checking of NSTX OP-NB-229Startup/operations of the 1070W helium refrigerator OP-RF-140HHFW System 1&2 Operating Procedure OP-KK-26ECS Kirk key Test OP-KK-27MG CO2 Kirk Key Test OP-KK-28NSTX SLD Kirk Key Test OP-KK-90ICRF System 3&4 Kirk Key and Local E-Stop Test OP-G-151Daily Hi-Pot Test of the NSTX Inner/Outer Vacuum Vessel OP-MG-07D-Site MG Operation in support of NSTX AP-ECS-01FCPC System Access AP-RF-01ICRH Sources 1 & 2 Access Procedure
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3,, OP-NSTX-02 Excerpts A.5. COIL ENERGIZATION TESTING 5.1 Vacuum Vessel Hi-Pot successfully completed (NSTX-OP-G-151) ATI:___________________________ 5.2 NSTX prepared for operations per the daily start-up procedure (OP- NSTX-14) ATI:___________________________ 5.3 NSTX prepared for HPP operations (OP-NSTX-15) ATI:___________________________ 5.4 ECS start up and Hi-Pot of the NSTX Coil Systems completed (OP- ECS-245)ATI:___________________________ HOLD POINT (Steps A.1 through A.5.4 must be completed before proceeding with coil energization tests) The following committee has reviewed the completion of preparations for Individual Coil Energization and concur that systems and procedures are in place and ready. NSTX Project Eng. __________________________ Head, NSTX Ops___________________________ Head, Engineering & Infrastructure ______________________ Individual Coil Energization may proceed per (ISTP-NSTX-01)
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3,, Allowable Operating Parameters The electromagnetic ISTP (ISTP-001) defines protection system settings and necessary test shots for any changes to the NSTX electromagnetic configuration and/or operating envelope. Intended to be repeated multiple times as the operating envelope is adjusted to support the experimental program. Verifies that planned polarities, power levels and pulse lengths are consistent with design allowables. Documents, exercises and tests protection circuits, and prescribes test shot levels. Each iteration approved by Engineering and Research groups. (see example on next slide)
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3,,
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3,, Operator Training Matrix Operator Training Matrixes (OP-NSTX-12) developed for: Chief Operating Engineers (COEs) Machine Technicians Vacuum Technicians Water Technicians Field Coil Power Conversion Technicians Radio Frequency System Operators High Harmonic Fast-Wave Systems Electron Cyclotron Heating systems Neutral Beam Operators Ion Source Systems Cryogenic Systems Beam-line Vacuum ops NB Operations Shift Supervisor
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3,, Maintenance/Repair Planning Detailed procedures to safely access vessels, power equipment, diagnostics, etc. are developed before starting up equipment. A lab-wide Lockout/Tagout procedure defines how sources of hazardous energy are controlled. Periodic Preventive Maintenance is performed on: Safety Interlock Systems (OP-KK-**, OP-NSTX-**) Control Systems (MP-CCD-**) Energy Conv. Systems (MP-MG-**, MP-ECS-**) AC Power Systems (MP-AC-***) Heating Systems (MP-NB-**, MP-RF-**) Water and Bake-Out Sys. (MP-WS-**) Vacuum and Gas Inj Sys. (MP-VAC-**) Machine Weld/Bolt Insp.(MP-TOR-**)
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3,, Summary The ACC has not only proved effective in identifying potential system problems, but has done so in a timely fashion that allows these problems to be addressed more efficiently than if found just before start-up. PPPL’s Administrative Procedures and Routines are well suited to help guide NSTX-U through a successful start-up and into experimental operations. The NSTX technical procedures for pre-operational testing, start-up and control of operating parameters have been updated and exercised annually for each NSTX run campaign, and are now being updated for the NSTX-U configuration.