Economic and Social Data Service a distributed data service for the social sciences
the UK Data Archive, Essex MIMAS, Manchester Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research (CCSR), Manchester Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER), Essex Partners
UK Data Archive Background established at the University of Essex in 1967 by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) core funded by the ESRC and the University of Essex and JISC
Types of collections DData for research and teaching purposes and used in all sectors and for many different disciplines surveys censuses registers aggregate statistics text (digital) and images
Sources of data official agencies, mainly central government individual academics (research grants) independent research agencies market research agencies other commercial organisations other data archives worldwide
Some facts and figures 4,000+ datasets in the collection 250+ new datasets are added each year 2,000+ orders for data per year 6,500+ datasets distributed worldwide p.a.
Services for users Web pages - easy to navigate format Powerful search interfaces, subject browsing Major series/subject web pages Web catalogue with variable level searching Access to online doc - pdf user guides and forms Registration One off registration with userid/password Online account management Shopping Basket ordering Data Download Web Download in 3 software formats NESSTAR - browsing metadata and exploring data
Service areas ESDS charged with overseeing four specialist data services: Large-scale Government International Longitudinal Qualitative
Large-scale Government Data Service Large-scale government surveys, such as the General Household Survey and the Labour Force Survey are key data resources for social science researchers Is run jointly by CCSR at Manchester and the UKDA at Essex, and led by CCSR
International Data Service Run jointly by MIMAS at Manchester and the UKDA at Essex, and led by MIMAS Aims to provide access to, and support for, a range of international datasets – both macro and micro sources. Aims to promote and facilitate increased and more effective use of international datasets in research, learning and teaching across a range of disciplines.
International data portfolio The initial portfolio is built around selected major international statistical databanks that collectively chart over 50 years of global economic, industrial and political change. The data originates from: –The International Monetary Fund (IMF) –The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) –The UN Industrial Development Organisation –Eurostat –The UK Office for National Statistics
Longitudinal Data Service Run jointly by ISER and the UKDA, both based at Essex Key studies held by and supported by the ESDS: –British Household Panel Study (BHPS) –National Child Development Study (NCDS) –1970 Birth Cohort Study (BCS70) –Youth Cohort Study (YCS)
Qualitative Data Service Will provide access to, and support for, a range of qualitative datasets, and is hosted by the UK Data Archive The work builds on Qualidata's expertise and international reputation in this area, developed over the past eight years