Welcome Back to School Ms. Rousseau Welcome - South Tuesday, 27 August 2013 I wonder (data collection) ) I wonder (data collection) ) )) Assignment – Inv: Experiment Design Due Friday, 30 August 2013
A Note - the online Text User – Calvin Hobbes ID CH PasswordCH Key Code VD4N-9N1H-5TLQ
I Wonder… The purpose of this activity is to begin the process of conducting investigations – It always starts with a question. So we are going to get to know each other by identifying a question, collecting data, displaying it and drawing conclusions
Key Idea When Scientists collaborate and communicate, they increase the likelihood of a successful outcome
I Wonder… As a team, pick out one question that your team would like to ask of everyone in the room. This question must: Be asked of everyone Generate data that can be categorized (optimally 4 to 8 groups) Be defensible (what does it really tell you about your classmates)
I Wonder… Table Team: Discuss HOW you will collect the data – How will you be certain to get everyone? Discuss WHAT categories you will use to group your data