Students Academic Attainments at British State and Private Schools Alice Sullivan – Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, Anthony Heath – Department of Sociology, University of Oxford
Aims How did the various types of school attended by the NCDS children vary in terms of student intake? To what extent are differences in academic outcomes for students at the different types of school explained by differences in the characteristics of the children who attended the schools? Were different students affected differently by the different school sectors?
National Child Development Study Longitudinal study of a cohort born in Britain in a single week in Sweeps in 1958, 1965, 1969, 1974, 1981, 1991, 1999/2000. In 1970s, education system in transition from tripartite to comprehensive.
School Differences in Intake
Differences in school characteristics
School differences in outcomes
Analysis of Test Scores 1 Model 1: no controls Model 2: + controls for intake Model 3: + school interactions Model 4: + controls for school characteristics
Analysis of Test Scores 2
Analysis of Test Scores 3 Model 4 Parent-teacher meetings1.22(0.54)* Streaming1.45(0.42)** Setting0.80(0.41)* Pupil-teacher ratio-0.02(0.14) Teacher-turnover-0.17(0.14) % Non-manual1.10(0.18)*** % Taking O levels1.31(0.19)***
Analysis of GCE Passes 1 Model 1: no controls Model 2: + controls for intake Model 3: + school interactions Model 4: + controls for school characteristics
Analysis of GCE Passes 2 Model 3 Test score age (0.04)*** Test score age 11 squared0.54(0.02)*** Direct Grant*Test (0.23) Independent*Test (0.18)** Grammar*Test (0.25) Secondary Modern*Test (0.07)*** Comprehensive*Test 110 Direct Grant*Test (0.12)*** Independent*Test (0.10)*** Grammar*Test (0.11)*** Secondary Modern*Test (0.05) Comprehensive*Test 110
Analysis of GCE Passes 3