FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT IN FREDERICTON USING MS EXCEL SPREADSHEET January 21, 2015 CANHUG Meeting H. McGrath, PhD Candidate, University of New Brunswick E. Stefanakis, Ph.D., PEng Associate Professor (supervisor) M. Nastev, Ph.D, Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada (co-supervisor) 1
Components of flood risk assessment 2
The appeal of this tool: Hazus Works well for users familiar with GIS and Spatial Analyst, have access to flood depth grid, and inventory data Limitations: Need to install Need older version of ArcGIS License of Spatial Analyst Training and experts knowledge of GIS are required Data manipulation to get local data or flood hazards into Hazus Data manipulation to present desired outputs Social losses related to aggregate analyses only Cannot be fully adapted for the Canadian hazard and exposure settings Costly updating 3
Goals Develop loss estimation capabilities in a program familiar to the non-expert public safety community and population living in hazard prone areas e.g.: Microsoft suite of products No training required No (to minimal) user input Quick and easy estimates of exposure and damages User friendly tool Easy updating 4
Microsoft Excel: Flood Loss Estimation 3 worksheets Welcome page Single Occupancy Multiple Occupancy Drop down menus Key-in values Hyperlinks Auto-generated plots /tables with results 5
(a) Single Occupancy 6
Calculations Uses a number of underlying Hazus tables in calculations 9 DescriptionHazus table Occupancy classificationsBldgStrDmgFn Depth Damage functionsBldgStrDmgFn, BldgContentsDmgFn Replacement costs ($/sqft)hzReplacementCost, hzRes1ReplCost Square foot factors (e.g. Single family residence: 1600sf) hzSqftFactors Depreciation factorsDepFunction Exposure Contents percentageshzExposureContentGBldgTypeB Basement statusBldgStrDmgFn, BldgContentsDmgFn, hzRes1ReplCost Garage valuationhzRes1GarageAdjustment
hzRes1ReplCost 11 DmgCrv SchemeIdHeightClassAverageCost Finished BasementMod UnFinished BasementMod R11N105Economy1 story$67.91$21.3$9.1 R11B106Economy1 story$67.91$21.3$9.1 R12N107Economy2 story$72.13$13.1$6.65 R12B108Economy2 story$72.13$13.1$6.65 R13N109Economy3-story$72.13$13.1$6.65 R13B110Economy3-story$72.13$13.1$6.65 R1SN111EconomySplit level$66.46$15.9$7.5 R1SB112EconomySplit level$66.46$15.9$7.5 R11N105Average1 story$94.84$26.05$10.45 R11B106Average1 story$94.84$26.05$10.45 R12N107Average2 story$92.15$17.55$7.45 R12B108Average2 story$92.15$17.55$7.45 R13N109Average3-story$96.49$14.35$6.25 R13B110Average3-story$96.49$14.35$6.25 R1SN111AverageSplit level$86.96$20.45$8.5 R1SB112AverageSplit level$86.96$20.45$8.5 R11N105Custom1 story$116.91$41.55$17.45 R11B106Custom1 story$116.91$41.55$17.45 R12N107Custom2 story$114.91$24.9$11.2 R12B108Custom2 story$114.91$24.9$11.2 R13N109Custom3-story$118.99$18.8$8.85 R13B110Custom3-story$118.99$18.8$8.85 R1SN111CustomSplit level$107.25$30.55$13.35 R1SB112CustomSplit level R11N105Luxury1 story R11B106Luxury1 story R12N107Luxury2 story R12B108Luxury2 story R13N109Luxury3-story R13B110Luxury3-story R1SN111LuxurySplit level R1SB112LuxurySplit level
hzRes1ReplCost 12 DmgCrv SchemeIdHeightClassAverageCost Finished BasementMod UnFinished BasementMod R11N105Economy1 story R11B106Economy1 story$67.91$21.3$9.1 R12N107Economy2 story R12B108Economy2 story R13N109Economy3-story R13B110Economy3-story R1SN111EconomySplit level R1SB112EconomySplit level R11N105Average1 story R11B106Average1 story$94.84$26.05$10.45 R12N107Average2 story R12B108Average2 story R13N109Average3-story R13B110Average3-story R1SN111AverageSplit level R1SB112AverageSplit level R11N105Custom1 story R11B106Custom1 story$116.91$41.55$s17.45 R12N107Custom2 story R12B108Custom2 story R13N109Custom3-story R13B110Custom3-story R1SN111CustomSplit level R1SB112CustomSplit level R11N105Luxury1 story R11B106Luxury1 story R12N107Luxury2 story R12B108Luxury2 story R13N109Luxury3-story R13B110Luxury3-story R1SN111LuxurySplit level R1SB112LuxurySplit level
Building Exposure 13 Occupancy Classification Total estimated valuation for any given occupancy class (k) Number of buildings Total floor area for given (k) Means construction class (building quality), 1=economy, 2=average, 3=custom, 4=luxury Means construction class weighting factor bBasement status (yes [1] or no [2]) Means replacement cost C wb Cost per square foot for a basement GGarage combination (1 car, 2 car, etc.) WgWg Weighting factor for garage type c wg Additional replacement cost for a given garage type A ge Age weighing factor
Contents Exposure 14 Occupancy Classification Total estimated valuation for any given occupancy class (k) Exposure Contents percentage
Estimates of damage 15
Damage Estimates for Single Family Residence (Structure and Contents) 17
Test 1 Water level 1ft 18 HazusEvaRISKPercent Total$83,239$81, % Building$62,464$61, % Contents$20,775$20, %
(b) Multiple Occupancy E.g.: Simulate a census block 19
(b) Multiple Occupancy 20
Test against Hazus: Multi-Occupancy buildings total 12: 1 story 2: 2 story *in thousands of dollarsHazusEvaRISKPercent Building Value$3,523$3, % Total Losses$989$ %
What’s next… Integration of the developed algorithm with online mapping capabilities Bldg. by bldg. or aggregate data analysis User provided or archived historic water level or water levels computed on demand (0D, 1D) 22
23 Multi-Occupancy Draw polygon to select properties of interest Draw on Map to select area of interest Adjust slider to change water level or Select Historic Water Level
24 Multi-Occupancy Draw polygon to select properties of interest Draw on Map to select area of interest Adjust slider to change water level or Select Historic Water Level
FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT IN FREDERICTON USING MS EXCEL SPREADSHEET January 21, 2015 CANHUG Meeting H. McGrath, PhD Candidate, University of New Brunswick – E. Stefanakis, Ph.D., PEng Associate Professor (supervisor) M. Nastev, Ph.D, Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada (co-supervisor) 26 Available online: