PHASE I PPHASE II PPHASE III The Proposal The Investigation The Output
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense PHASE I : THE PROPOSAL - detailed written plan of how the project will be done. -like designing an experiment. -future tense of the verbs is used.
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense Parts of the Research Plan
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense TITLE -patterned from the question, however it must contain only the essential words.
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense I.PROBLEM a. It is stated as a question/scientific inquiry.
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense IV.MATERIALS a. What are the things you need in solving your problem? Are you going to buy them or just borrow?
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense V. PROCEDURE a. What are the orderly steps you are going to do to solve your problem? b. How are you going to present the data that you will gather? Will it be through graphs or tables?
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense VI. IMPLICATION a. In case your problem will be solved, what will be its importance to the school or to the community? Will your findings benefit others?
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense VII. TIME TABLE a. How are you going to schedule the making of your project against the deadline set by your teacher? Are your schedules attainable?
EXAMPLE OF TIME TABLE: TASKSTARGET DATE TEACHER’S DEADLINE 1. Submission of Problem and Title 2. Writing the IP Proposal 3. Submission of IP Proposal 4. Investigation Period 5. Submission of Gathered data
EXAMPLE OF TIME TABLE: CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE: TASKSTARGET DATE TEACHER’S DEADLINE 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense VIII. BUDGET a. How much each material you need costs in the market? b. How much are you going to spend for the project as a group? How much will be the contribution of each member? c. Do your parents approve your budget? Did your leader inform them about the possible expenses through a letter?
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense IX. PROPONENTS a. Who propose the project? The group names appear here.
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense PHASE II: THE INVESTIGATION - as soon as your proposal is approved you can now start investigating. Your procedure will be your guide. Keep track of all your observations and data by placing them on a table. Document also your works by photographs, videos, etc.
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense PHASE III. THE OUTPUT -after conducting the investigation you are now ready to organize your gathered data and present your findings. -The output has three levels:
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense I. THE WRITTEN REPORT a.A recall of all the things you did to solve your problem. The mode of the verb is in the past tense.
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense Abstract (maximum of 250 words) a. the SHOW WINDOW of your project. It must contain brief explanation of the following: 1. Purpose of the study 2. Procedure 3. Findings
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense I.THE WRITTEN REPORT I ntroduction M ethodology R esults and D iscussion C onclusion
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense 1. Introduction a. The background of the problem. It answers the following questions: 1. How did you arrive at that kind of problem? 2. Why did you investigate that kind of problem where in fact there are hundreds of problems out there?
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense 2. Methodology a. Two parts of the proposal are combined here: a. MATERIALS b. PROCEDURE You must explain in details the things you did to solve the problem. The proposal procedure is your guide in making this portion.
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense 3. Results and Discussion a.shows the data you have gathered arranged or presented in tables or graphs. The data must already speak of the whole thing (general). - discuss the results. What do those data mean?
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense 4. Conclusion a. This briefly states the immediate answer/findings about the problem. Recommendation (optional) a. If others would be doing your project, what would you advise them?
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense 10. RESEARCHERS a. Your names 11. ADVISER a. Your Science teacher’s name
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense II. THE EXHIBIT a. It is a showcase of your IP. b. It must attract viewers so that they may get interested to your IP.
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense EFFECTIVE ADVISORSHIP 1.The Research Plan a.Problem b. Goals/Hypotheses c. Detailed Methodology d. Bibliography
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense EFFECTIVE ADVISORSHIP DETAILED ACCOUNT OF ALL PHASES OF THE PROJECT. PROOF OF ACTIVITIES. OPEN FOR SCIENTIFIC SCRUTINY. 2. The Research Logbook.
Sample Pages of a Research Data Logbook.
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense EFFECTIVE ADVISORSHIP 3. The Research Work Title I M R a D C Abstract Bibliography
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense EFFECTIVE ADVISORSHIP Photo Documentation
CONTINUATION OF TIME TABLE TASKSTARGET DAYS Teachers deadline 6. Writing the IP Written Report 7. Submission of IP Written Report 8. Making the Exhibit Board 9. Preparing for the Oral Defense ETHICAL STATEMENT