Code Checking Service ISTforCE IST Rémi VANKEISBELCK (CSTB) Extended presentation based on slides from the ISTforCE Review in Feb. 2002
ISTforCE Objectives Allows the checking of IFC project data according to regulation codes Manages multiple Rule Bases Allows to work on ISTforCE-hosted project data or uploaded IFC files Generates a Report highlighting the failed Rules and related anomalies in the project
ISTforCE Overall principle Service Laucher C ode C hecking S ervice ISTforCEISTforCE eC ommerce S ervices M odel A ccess S ervice Launch of the service from the SL
ISTforCE ISTforCEISTforCE eC ommerce S ervices M odel A ccess S ervice Overall principle A Web Browser is started pointing at CCS index page IFC project data is retrieved from the MAS C ode C hecking S ervice
ISTforCE Overall principle The user works on the CCS : Selection of a Rule Base Selection of a set of Rules Launch of the checking process ISTforCEISTforCE eC ommerce S ervices M odel A ccess S ervice C ode C hecking S ervice
ISTforCE ISTforCEISTforCE eC ommerce S ervices M odel A ccess S ervice C ode C hecking S ervice Overall principle The Result Report is sent to the user The bill is sent to ECS
ISTforCE Technical elements Communications based on XML/HTML over HTTP -> Two utilization modes Interactive : Service is accessed using a standard Web Browser Programmatic : Service is used transparently from any application Thanks to the technology-neutral, XML-based data (Rule Bases descriptions, Report) Using HTTP to carry information
ISTforCE Technical elements Extensible Rule Bases Repository based on pluggable components technologies and XML Rule Bases Descriptors expressed in XML 1 XML Descriptor for each Rule Base Standard DTD for every Rule Base XML Descriptor Contains legal texts and descriptions for each Rule, as well as references (links) to other documents (Videos, Full-text articles...) Checking Algorithms embedded in DLLs 1 DLL per Rule Base Standard interface for each Rule Base DLL Contains algorithms for each Rule
ISTforCE Technical elements Could support multiple IFC versions thanks to an internal pivot format and IFC->pivot mapping process IFC data is converted into a neutral « Pivot » Format The Pivot is specific to one Rule Base (or at least to a domain) A « Mapper » can be written for each IFC Version / Pivot Format pair Checks will be done on the Pivot Format
ISTforCE User interface Project data selection step Real-time connection with MAS to get project data from ISTforCE server or upload page if no project info submitted
ISTforCE User interface Rule Base selection step The user is prompted to select the Rule Base he wants to work on from the drop-down list
ISTforCE User interface Rules selection step The user is prompted to select the Rules he wants to be checked from the list Rule Base contents can be browsed here The user is prompted to select the Rules he wants to be checked from the list Rule Base contents can be browsed here
ISTforCE User interface Report display step The result report is shown to the user, showing : Successful rules Partial checking Anomalies Uncheckable rules The result report is shown to the user, showing : Successful rules Partial checking Anomalies Uncheckable rules