SHS Graduation Projects Junior Year Introduction
Rationale The Graduation Project will provide all students with the opportunity to: Demonstrate skills in speaking, writing, research and organization Integrate various courses of study and interests outside the classroom Demonstrate a sense of responsibility and a good work ethic
Graduation Project Night 1/23/13, 6:00-8:30 Display Location 3 feet of table space 2 professional looking visuals required (both a physical product and digital component must be included in oral presentation) Speech Location 15 minute time allotment (5-7 minute presentation) Oral presentation will be graded by a panel of 3 teachers
Project Categories Exploration of Potential Career Choices Community Service
Career Exploration 3 job shadows (min of 45 hours) Post secondary visit, with report and verification (up to 5 hours) Time logs/journals (minimum of 50 hours) w/ reflections 3 interviews including question and answer summaries/signatures Written Report (Survey of the field) Summary of Experience 2 visuals (1 digital, 1 three- dimensional)
Community Service 50 hours unpaid service with established community service, documented Time logs/journals (minimum of 50 hours) w/ reflections 3 interviews including question and answer summaries/signatures Written Report (History and objectives of the organization) Summary of Experience 2 visuals (1 digital, 1 three- dimensional)
Graduation Project Night, January 23, 2013 Designed to publically showcase Graduation Projects All students are required to attend for the entire evening, signing in and out “Trade show” atmosphere Projects will be displayed with students staying by projects to answer questions Students will give a 5-7 minute oral presentation Panel of advisor + 2 other staff members will evaluate the project
Remediation If the project is judged unsatisfactory, the student must complete an Application for Remediation A remediation committee will review the application and may grant an opportunity to remediate. Remediation will not be granted unless: 1. A minimum of 25 hours are complete and 2. The student presents the incomplete project on Graduation Project Night *REMINDER* Remediated students will present the day following Graduation and will not walk with their class.
Assessment Project evaluation will be based on: Graduation Project Meeting Rubric Evaluation Checklist Graduation Project Rubric Students must receive a passing grade in order to be eligible for graduation. Students are responsible for setting up and keeping all progress meetings with advisors Project Progress Reports will be completed by student and advisor, graded using the Graduation Project Meeting Rubric
Tips for Success READ THE GRADUATION PROJECT BOOKLET!!! Find out what days/times your advisor is available. Write this information down. Make sure you consider all aspects of your proposed project, including costs. Get time logs signed as you go. Stay organized. Set up meetings with your advisor and make sure you attend! Use the summer and get as much work as possible done before school starts in the fall.