假定你是某中学高三学生李华,近日,你得知某报社 要选拔一批优秀学生在寒假期间做兼职英语编辑,你 希望参加此招聘。请根据以下要点用英语给该报社写 一封 100-120 个词的自荐信。 要点 : 1. 你对此项工作感兴趣及原因; 2. 个人优势,如:知识面、语言能力、合作精神、 相关经历等; 3. 望尽快得到回复。


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Presentation transcript:

假定你是某中学高三学生李华,近日,你得知某报社 要选拔一批优秀学生在寒假期间做兼职英语编辑,你 希望参加此招聘。请根据以下要点用英语给该报社写 一封 个词的自荐信。 要点 : 1. 你对此项工作感兴趣及原因; 2. 个人优势,如:知识面、语言能力、合作精神、 相关经历等; 3. 望尽快得到回复。 注意:可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;开头已给, 不计入词数。 Dear Sir / Madam, I'm Li Hua, a Senior 3 student. __________________________________________

Greeting Signature Dear Sir/Madam, Yours Sincerely, Li Hua

Dear Sir/Madam, identity + writing purpose interest in the job and reasons (benefits the job bring you) 对这一工作的认识 Papa. 1 Papa. 2 personal advantages 知识面 + 语言能力 + 合作精神 + 相关经历 Papa. 3 summary : 本人能胜任此职位 申请 / 自荐通用结束语 Yours Sincerely, Li Hua

writing purpose & interest and reasons 报社 选拔 招聘 优秀学生 寒假期间 兼职英语编辑 我感兴趣 newspaper office news agency/service newspaper publisher choose / select recruitment top students / all-round students qualified students the coming winter vacation part time English editors the job of editing appeals to me

I have learned that you are going to select a group of students to work part time as English newspaper editors in your newspaper office in the coming winter vacation. I’m writing to apply for the opportunity to be one of them. I would like to experience the life of an editor, which I will probably take up as my career in the future.

优势 知识面广 语言能力 合作精神 相关经历 advantages a wide range of knowledge a good understanding of the English language ( a good command of) teamwork sprit cooperation the experience of working as an editor previous experience relevant to the job personal advantages

To be honest, I do own a few qualities which may help me stand out from my peers and fit in well with the job. I believe I am qualified for the position.

知识面广 a wide range of knowledge What I have to mention is that I’m equipped with the knowledge which covers a relatively wide range of subjects. Compared with others, I have a wider knowledge ranging from events in society to experiences of well-known people.

语言能力 a good understanding of the language ( a good command of) A good command of English distinguishes me from other students /peers. What’s more, being skillful at communicating with others lays a solid foundation for this job as well.

合作精神 teamwork sprit cooperation I stress the vital role cooperation plays in working and I believe I possess the spirits of cooperation. Knowing teamwork comes first, I have always been and will be on good terms with my co-workers.

相关经历 the experience of working as an editor previous experience relevant to the job In addition, I have some related experience which, to some degree, may bring some convenience and benefits. I’ve previously taken up the job of editing in my school, which is of great benefit and I feel proud to have been regarded as a trustworthy co-worker.

I believe I’m perfectly fit for the job on account of the following reasons. In the first place, a wide range of books I’ve read not only enlarge my knowledge, but also allow me to use the language with ease. Besides, the previous experience of working in the students’ union exposed me to all kinds of team work, thus equipping me with cooperation spirits. What’s more, a thirst for knowledge makes an active and modest person of me, always willing to learn from others.

申请通用结束语 I’d appreciate it if you could give me the opportunity. I hope you could be so kind as to give me the opportunity. Looking forward to your early reply. Though there are a large number applicants, I am confident to live up to the expectations of you.

Thank you for taking time to read my letter. Here again allow me to show my greatest respect for you and strong desire to be enrolled. Looking forward to your early reply.

If I have the honor to take the chance, this meaningful experience is sure to play a vital role in helping me improve myself and develop in an all-round way. In pursuit of my dream, I've been exposing myself to a large abundance of English. I always bear it in mind that cooperation makes up for the lack of experience. So if I’m lucky enough to be included, I would be more than willing to work with others to get the jobs done perfectly. It’s a perfect chance for me to put to use the knowledge I have acquired and bring out my inner potential in the meanwhile. I have long been looking forward to such an opportunity offered by you. With a wide range of knowledge and outstanding lingual ability, I’m prepared for this post. This job is demanding but rewarding in that it is of great help to enhance my capability in English and better myself while handling news affairs, which accounts for my interest in it.

1. With the winter vacation around the corner, I have made up my mind to balance the study and social activity, rather than being occupied with piles of assignment. Meanwhile, anything involving English was able to absorb my eyes as such a passive lover of this beautiful language I am. Therefore, your wanting for excellent students to serve as part-time English editors just suits my need perfectly. 1. 甄嬛体 说人话,直接点 2. 从申请工作切入, 不是从自己的爱好和需要入手 3. 时态: 现在时

2. Learning that you are to pick out some great students who can act as part-time English editors during the winter vacation. Since it is such a precious experience to miss, I’m interested in attending this activity which can both broaden my horizons and increase my knowledge. 1. 半句话 2. too precious an experience to miss 3. attending this activity 4. 逻辑不通 ( 连词 )

3. I’m so glad to know that you are going to select a group of qualified students as your part-time English editor during the winter holiday. I’m signing up for it and I really hope to be given the chance to be part of your excellent team. Brought up in a family closely related to the news industry, being an editor is what I have been dreaming of. And I’m accumulating my experience on editing to pave my way for the future. I really cherish the chance you are offering. 1. 重复,不够简洁 2. 时态: accumulate experience in

4. I’m writing to you to recommend myself to be the part-time editor. The main motivation is that I have great interests in this job, for I’m really fond of English and longing for more opportunities to improve my ability. My strengths are as follows. 1. 理由单薄 show a keen interest in this job 2. 太露骨 … possess some points that can make me stand out / distinguish myself among the candidates 1. 对写作感兴趣,想从事编辑工作; 2. 应用英语; 3. 积累社会经验; practice my English skill and gain social experience a precious opportunity to enrich my experience

时态不一致: Because of a great interest in reading books, I already have read a large number of books. It not only broadened my knowledge, but also built up my language ability.

甄嬛体 I know what you want is a cooperative team, not a powerful but stubborn Naplon, and I am glad to recommend myself as the right person always handling the union and the individual successfully. The voluntary work relevant to team-work I took 3 years ago just presents as a strong provement. What’s more, my high ability of handle both English and Chinese can never be exaggerated.

The advertisements exerts tremendous fascination on me. As a senior student, I am supposed to put study in the first place, but I approve that we shouldn’t turn a blind eye to develop our individual personality. From my perspective, the position of English editor can give me a chance to challenge myself. 甄嬛体