World War II
Planning for Victory CASABLANCA (1943). Roosevelt and Churchill met in this North African city after the invasion of North Africa Issued ultimatum of unconditional surrender to Germany and Japan. TEHERAN CONFERENCE (1943). First meeting of the "Big Three," Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin. They agreed on the opening of a Second Front in Western Europe Proposed the partition of Germany at the end of the war. Russia agreed to enter the war against Japan after Germany was defeated.
Planning for Victory YALTA CONFERENCE (1945). Most important of the wartime conferences, Decisions would determine world affairs to the present day. Churchill and Roosevelt believed the war against Japan would be long and costly unless Russia joined it. a)Russia would enter war against Japan after Germany was defeated. b)United Nations would be created. c)Russia would regain all territories lost to Japan in 1905 d)Russia would be given three votes in the United Nations Assembly. e)Free elections would be held in European nations formerly occupied by Nazi Germany. f)Germany was to be divided into British, American, French, & Soviet zones of occupation.
Roosevelt Dies FDR’s funeral procession moves down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. April 12, 1945 At his retreat in Warm Springs, GA Only a few weeks before the end of the war in Europe Widely mourned Truman Takes Office Truman takes the oath of office shortly after FDR’s death Vice president for only 82 days Oversaw last months of the war Authorized use of the atomic bomb President during the early Cold War
Suicide of Adolf Hitler & other high-ranking Nazi officials Unconditional surrender of the city Berlin garrison on 2 May. Unconditional surrender of all German forces
Planning for Victory POTSDAM CONFERENCE (1945). Last meeting of the "Big Three." Roosevelt replaced by President Harry S. Truman. Churchill replaced by Clement Atlee. Only Stalin remained of the original "Big Three." Allied plans for postwar Germany and Japan made and announced. Warned Japan to surrender or suffer a fate like Germany.
This was a project to develop the first atomic bomb during World War II. “Manhattan Project” was a code name to keep the project concealed. The project involved roughly 125,000 people and cost more than $2 billion, It remained top secret throughout WWII. Robert Oppenheimer was appointed scientific director of the Project. Project research and productions sites took place all across the United States. On July 16, 1945, first atomic bomb exploded at Alamogordo NM.
Harry Truman Vice President Under FDR Succeeded FDR Made the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan
1945 May 1945 – Germany Surrenders Aug – U.S. drops the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki – Japan Surrenders
Victory in Europe, May 6–7, 1945 Victory Over Japan, Sept. 2, 1945 Celebrations marked the end of the war Nation still had to deal with postwar issues