The English Renaissance pg “Rebirth” Began in in 14 th century Italy Began in England after the War of the Roses, Henry VII
The English Renaissance Medieval period focused on religion and the after life Renaissance stressed humanity on earth Arts, literature, beauty in nature, human impulses, a new mastery over the world Questioned timeworn truths (flatlanders) Challenged authority
The English Renaissance Renaissance Man A many-faceted person who cultivated his innate talents to the fullest
Thirst for Knowledge Great burst of exploration – culminates in Columbus’ arrival in New World in 1492 Compass developed Advances in field of astronomy Growing sense of nationalism Protestant reformation
The English Renaissance Henry VII son (Arthur) married Catherine of Aragon, daughter of King Ferdinand of Spain, England’s greatest new World rival Arthur died, Pope allowed Arthur’s younger brother (Henry VIII) to marry Catherine This would prove to be a problem
The English Renaissance Henry VIII Succeeded his father in 1509 A true Renaissance prince Skilled athlete, poet, musician… Asked the church for permission to divorce Catherine after 18 yrs and only one female child--Mary
HENRY VIII The Pope refused Henry’s request for a divorce Henry broke with Rome in 1534, declared himself head of the Church of England or Anglican Church Henry VIII married Anne Boleyn, she produced a daughter—Elizabeth Anne was later executed for adultery
Queen Mary Restored Pope, Catholicism Married Philip of Spain Executed approx. 300 protestants These executions are why she’s known as “Bloody Mary”
The Elizabethan Era The unwanted daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn Strong, clever, educated in Greek & Latin, patron of the arts Re-established monarchy’s position over Anglican Church, restored Book of Common Prayer Believed in religious tolerance, lowered taxes, in favor of public education
Queen Elizabeth I Never married—”The Virgin Queen” She was the inspiration for Spenser’s “The Faerie Queene” Supported Sir Walter Raleigh -introduced tobacco and potatoes -Tried for treason, imprisoned in Tower of London -finally executed in 1618
Spanish Armada Spain refused to recognize England’s claim to America—sent 130 ships They claimed English privateers were plundering Spanish ships 8-day battle aided by a storm; England became known as a great sea power
King James I Did NOT believe in religious tolerance; persecuted Puritans 1604—King James I appointed scholars to create a new translation of the Bible, promoted the use of English language (King James Version)
The English Renaissance Following Queen Eliz I, came King James 1605—The Gunpowder Plot to blow up Parliament—Guy Fawkes Day (Nov 5 celebrate) 1606—Shakespeare's “Macbeth” produced
The English Renaissance 1629 Charles I dismissed Parliament for 11 years Thousands migrated to N. America, mostly Puritans Long Parliament
Evolution of Poetry Lyric poetry was favorite Sonnet perfected; sonnet cycles became very popular Edmund Spenser wrote The Faerie Queene (epic, intricate verse w/ rich imagery)