English Language Arts ERPD September 19, 2012
Welcome, Celebrations, & Norms Begin and end on time. Keep the train of thought “on the track”. Actively participate and process throughout the entire session. Respect the ideas and learning needs of others – limit side bars. Assume positive intent.
Overview of Today Where we’ve been and where we’re going with Common Core implementation Modeled Common Core lesson with PDSA Work time to create lessons Sharing of ideas
Where have we been? Where are we going? Last school year we looked at the crosswalks, drafts of curriculum guides, implemented more informational texts, reflected more on complex text and higher order questioning with the new standards. CRW teachers share This year we are going deeper into the actual instructional practices of the curriculum.
Learning Targets I can share best practices related to the Common Core and NC Essential Standards with teachers throughout our district. I can gain knowledge from other teachers about teaching the new standards, the math practices, and the shifts. I can find resources that align to the new standards and shifts in instruction. I can develop a clearer understanding of the new standards.
Lesson Format See lesson handout See copyright handout See Anchor Standards handout
Lesson Anchor Standards: Make strategic use of digital media/visual displays to express and enhance information. Adapt speech to various contexts within communication that shows command of formal English as needed. Present Information, findings, and supporting evidence so that listeners can follow the line of reasoning, organization development, and style that are appropriate to audience, task, and purpose. Student Presentation focus
Plan and Do Gap: Persuasive speech with technology Goal? What steps/strategies should we implement during our presentation instruction? What type of formative assessment can we utilize?
Text Talk Time Strategy (TTT) TTT video
Reflect on TTT Take three minutes to discuss how you can incorporate the TTT strategy into a lesson that you’re teaching this quarter.
End of Unit Student Presentations Presentation Video Be thinking about questions on the poster as you watch the presentation video.
Study & Act In your groups, discuss the data from the end-of-unit presentations (see handout). What worked? What didn’t? What steps/strategies should we take for the next presentation unit?
CWT You will be reviewing the presentation video in your PLC meetings at your school where you will have the opportunity to get more familiar with the CWT.
Creation & Application Work Time Divide into groups of 3 Assign a timekeeper (handout) Choose a Common Core objective from your Curriculum Guide to create a lesson using the template provided.
Creating your lesson activity Save template from C&I webpage to your computer Template was created as a form so that formatting would remain consistent for posting Type in the far left of the box to be able to type in the text field For supplemental documents that accompany the lesson, copy and paste them as additional pages to the lesson plan file
To “unlock” the template for revisions or adding additional pages… MS Word 2010: “Review” tab Restrict Editing (far right) Stop Protection Revise as needed allow only this type of editing… In drop down, select “filling in forms” Yes, start enforcing protection & click “ok” when the password box comes up Save MS Word 2003: View Toolbars Forms Click the Revise as needed Click the Save
Posting Your Lesson/Activity Name lesson and save: ELA_standard_lesson title (ex. ELA_5.RI.1_synthesisstrategy) to: Thanks in advance for following the process! No clean up of lessons = quick posting for your access!
Share your Lessons Take 3 minutes to share the lesson that your group created. Remember to these lessons to
October Benchmark Assessment Assessment & open-ended item You will be provided grading time during October’s ERPD for the open-ended part.
Closing Please complete the exit ticket at your table. Remember that we will use this information to plan the next content specific ERPD. Complete one per school. Thank you for your participation today!