Common Core Reading Math Essential Standards Science SS Information and Technology Arts Education Healthful Living Guidance ESL
Reading scores at the secondary level have remained flat since 1970 Performance of the nation’s 12th-graders in reading has declined in comparison to 1992 (NAEP, 2005) 60% of 12 th graders read at basic or below basic (NAEP, 2005) 42% of college students take remedial classes (U.S., Dept of Education, 2007) Did you know….
Today, more than two-thirds of all eighth and twelfth graders read at less than a proficient level, and half of those students are so far behind that they drop off the scale entirely, scoring below what the U. S. Department of Education defines as its most basic level.
Even college-bound students often struggle with more advanced literacy skills. A major study of high school juniors and seniors taking the ACT college entrance exam found that only half were ready for college-level reading assignments in core subjects like math, history, science, and English. (ACT, 2005)
A Call For Change Federal Government initiated a change with the reauthorization of Elementary and Secondary Education Act and NC State Board of Education revised mission to say : ALL students with graduate Be globally competitive for work force Prepared for post-secondary education Prepared for Life in 21 st Century NC State Board of Education crafted “Framework For Change” Change SCOS Assessments Accountability Accountability and Curriculum Reform Effort
A Call for Change NC Essential Standards Adoption of CC Standards Changes in teacher and administrator evaluations NC Race to the Top Initiative
Reading Information Text: Standard 5 Kindergarten: Identify front cover, back cover, title page. 3 rd : Use text features and search tools to locate relevant information to a given topic efficiently 4 th : Describe the overall structure of events ideas, concepts in a text. 5 th : Compare and contrast the overall structure of events, concepts in a text. 6 th : Analyze in detail the structure of a specific paragraph in a text, including the role of a particular sentences in developing a refining a key concept. 12 th : Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure an author uses in his or her exposition or argument, including whether the structure makes points clear, convincing and engaging.
Blooms Taxonomy
Reading Information Text: Standard 5 Kindergarten: Identify front cover, back cover, title page. 3 rd : Use text features and search tools to locate relevant information to a given topic efficiently 4 th : Describe the overall structure of events ideas, concepts in a text. 5 th : Compare and contrast the overall structure of events, concepts in a text. 6 th : Analyze in detail the structure of a specific paragraph in a text, including the role of a particular sentences in developing a refining a key concept. 12 th : Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure an author uses in his or her exposition or argument, including whether the structure makes points clear, convincing and engaging.
1. Building knowledge through content-rich non-fiction and informational texts. 2. Reading and writing grounded in evidence from the text. 3. Regular practice with complex text and its academic vocabulary.
Strategy for “Digging Deeper” Douglas Fisher Video