Start by clicking on the headers... Each Header provides students with wealth of activities and resources that will support them in the study of A Level English Language and English Language of Literature. Use the side navigation to access unit topics and sub-heading and their associated resources and activities. Interactive Activities - use whiteboards through drag-and-drop tasks, text annotation, quizzes and include audio material to bring the topic to life. Extension Area – focus on extending and enriching understanding of theories that have developed around language and literature.
Each unit contains: Explanations – provide key information on the topic in question Activities – enable you to test out your understanding of a new concept or information. Interactive activities – use the whiteboard through drag-and-drop tasks, text annotation, quizzes and include audio material to bring the topic to life. Resources – allow you to study and print out longer texts and aide-mémoires. Aims and Reviews – these introduce the Assessment objectives that will be covered at the start of each section and look back at them at the end of the section.
Exam board support If you are looking for dedicated support for a specific exam or coursework unit, there are model questions and exemplar responses with commentaries by examiners and moderators, all tailored to your needs...including a personal tutor. There is a comprehensive Glossary which can also be accessed via hyperlinks within the text.Glossary
The units Here's a quick reminder of the units available to you on the site: English LanguageEnglish Language and Literature Language and Social Contexts Investigating Language Creating Your Own Texts How Language Develops How Genres Work Exploring and Comparing Texts Investigating Talk in Life and Literature Producing Your Own Texts Creating New Texts from Old