B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Literacy Design Collaborative & the Common Core State Standards Implementation Plan 1
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Connecting Instructional Bodies of Work Academic Priorities Rigor, Engagement and Intervention Common Core State Standards Mathematics, English Language Arts and Content Literacy Teacher Effectiveness Instructional Framework and Rubric 2 TASKS QUESTIONS FEEDBACK WHAT HOW
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS What work have we done to support Common Core implementation to date? 3
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS What are our expectations for Common Core Implementation? What are our expectations for Common Core Implementation? 4 Produce artifacts that reflect the rigorous demands of the Common Core State Standards SCHOOL LEADERS Create structures that allow staff to engage in the Common Core in a collaborative environment TEACHERS Implement rigorous tasks and engage in collaborative planning anchored in the analysis of student work STUDENTS Actively engage in differentiated learning opportunities that promote ownership of learning
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Connecting Instructional Bodies of Work Academic Priorities Rigor, Engagement and Intervention Common Core State Standards Mathematics, English Language Arts and Content Literacy Teacher Effectiveness Instructional Framework and Rubric 5 TASKS QUESTIONS FEEDBACK WHAT HOW
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Making the Connection Connecting Bodies of Work: Making the Connection ARTIFACTS SUPPORTING COMMON CORE TasksQuestionsFeedback ACADEMIC PRIORITIES Rigor Is the work complex and grounded in substantive content? Do questions challenge students to pursue higher order thinking? Does feedback challenge students to engage with the complexity of the work? Engagement Are students active participants? Do students engage with each other in academic work? Do students have the opportunity to engage each other in academic talk? Does feedback provide students with an opportunity to revise their responses? Intervention Do students receive differentiated tasks? Do questions help support student understanding and extend student learning? Does feedback translate into student learning?
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS What areas of the Common Core State Standards did we decide to focus on in Sy ? 7 English Language Arts and Literacy Informational Reading & Writing (Reading and Writing Standards for Informational Text K-5, 6-12) Foundational Skills (Reading Standards: Foundational Skills K-5) Content Literacy (6-12) (Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and technical Subjects 6-12) Mathematics Focus on Standards of Mathematical Practice Problem solving Creating viable arguments Attention to precision Reason abstractly Modeling Use tools strategically Use structure Regularity in repeated reasoning (Standards for Mathematical Practice K-12) 6-12 K-5
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Common Core Opt-In Supports for SY Strategic supports provided on a school-wide opt-in basis at no financial cost to schools Schools opting-in will have access to: Common Core aligned professional development, and a math, ELA, science and social studies unit of study for each grade level Clearly established expectations for opt-in schools Schools opting-out must provide evidence of their work in advancing the Common Core through PD and curriculum in their School Performance Plans 8
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Secondary Content Literacy & the CCSS Literacy Design Collaborative Modules : One per grade level per content area Middle School: English/Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies High School: English I-IV, U.S. History, Government, World History, Biology, and Chemistry : Two per grade level per content area (ELA- Four) : Four per grade level per content area 9
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS LDC Pioneer Implementation- Fall 2011 One teacher per module will pioneer a selected module The pioneer teacher will be supported by a team made up of representatives from the District Office- Academic Content Liaison (ACL), Special Education Liaison (SEL), ESOL Mentor Teacher 10
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Pioneer Team Responsibilities SY “Tweak” an LDC module for Fall 2011 implementation Implement module and collect student work by December 12 Work with LDC team to score student work Revise LDC module for City School’s rollout in January Help plan and facilitate January & April systemic professional developments Plan and implement an LDC Professional Development Course 11
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Pioneer Team Responsibilities Summer 2012 Help Plan and Implement LDC Summer Academy Attend LDC Pioneer Academy Review and edit LDC modules from SY Begin writing process for new LDC modules 12
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS What does the LDC look like for the teacher? The LDC framework allows teachers to set goals for their students and provides a pathway to make those goals a reality in a clear, step-by-step manner. 13
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS 6 th Grade Social Studies Task How does religion impact the lives of its followers? After reading and analyzing selections from “World Beliefs and Cultures: Islam,” write an essay in which you define “monotheism” and “polytheism” and explain which form of religion Islam is and how Islam impacts the lives of people in Islamic communities. Support your discussion with evidence from the text. 14
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Our Path - The Instructional Ladder 15
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS The Instructional Ladder 16
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Impact on Instruction Common Core alignment Getting off of the “Content Conveyor Belt” - significant amount of instructional time committed to delving deeper into a topic. Concrete evidence of non-ELA classes directly impacting literacy achievement Meaningful collaboration across content areas using the same vocabulary and process Conversations about data have a new dimension 18
B ALTIMORE C ITY P UBLIC S CHOOLS Impact on Students Building “Academic Stamina” Student to student academic conversations based on the content and the writing process Student buy-in, self reflection and pride Increased retention of content Increased student achievement as process is repeated within and across content areas. 19