Introduction for EdReNe
In the UK, there is no current central government initiative to help teachers share digital resources was started to allow teachers to download useful teaching resources for their class preparation We accept material from any contributing teacher, moderate it for quality, and charge other users per file to download it Effectively Teachable is an online publisher of teacher-generated content Primary market is younger teachers who haven’t got many resources of their own
TraditionalNew trend Browse through publishers’ cataloguesGoogle: teachers expect to find the content they want through online search Select resources through discussion with publisher sales reps No time: teachers want instant access to new material Choice was between a number of core textbooks for each subject Fragmentation: more courses offered and more technologies for presenting the content means more choice is needed Traditional publishing companies maintained reputation for quality Peer review and specialist brands ensure quality
We share all of our income 50:50 with contributors to reward the best content We make all the files available in editable formats (MS Office), and with a Creative Commons Non-Commercial Attribution Share Alike licence; we encourage teachers to ‘remix’ the ideas The UK has been a leading investor in education technology; our goal is to spread the expertise about practical use of this technology to English speaking countries around the world
Interactive Powerpoint presentations Accompanying worksheet and activity guides Some videos and Flash animations (although most teachers do not have the IT skills) Some accompanying lesson plans – although teachers do not seem to find this as useful We are also used by other organisations as a distribution channel for free content into schools (e.g. Google Schools and Save the Children charity); listing the material on Teachable is a good way of gettting one of content available when teachers need it
Ideas and inspiration e.g. Teaching journals, online forums, Wikipedia Ideas and inspiration e.g. Teaching journals, online forums, Wikipedia Adaptable digital materials Teachable Adaptable digital materials Teachable Complex professional resources e.g. Software, books, lab equipment Complex professional resources e.g. Software, books, lab equipment Perception of value
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We are keen to learn how resource sharing is being facilitated in other countries Conversely, we have developed advanced skills in online marketing and building enthusiasm within the online teacher community (with over 50,000 unique visitors to the site monthly) and can advise other members on how to use these tools