Welcome to the exciting world of Financial Accounting Conduct and procedure
2007/01/15International Business Program Financial Accounting 1 Welcome! Introductions –Why do we introduce?
2007/01/15International Business Program Financial Accounting 2 Welcome! Introductions –Why do we introduce? In professional setting it is important to know and form an opinion quickly about the people we work with Potential employers want us to develop professional skills in the classroom
2007/01/15International Business Program Financial Accounting 3 What will we be doing? Lectures Tutorials Workshops Consulting
2007/01/15International Business Program Financial Accounting 4 What will we be doing? Lectures –New material –Guided discussion Lecturer introduces Students respond
2007/01/15International Business Program Financial Accounting 5 What will we be doing? Tutorials –Students in smaller groups and work in groups –Students present assignments –Students discuss assignments –Teacher guides the discussion
2007/01/15International Business Program Financial Accounting 6 What will we be doing? Workshops –Teacher is present in the assigned place –Students visit if they like to get specific guidance Consulting –Teacher in the office if student wants to come talk about any topic related to course
2007/01/15International Business Program Financial Accounting 7 Attendance Lectures and tutorials –Mandatory –Attendance will be taken –May be used to assess student performance in marginal situations Workshops and consulting –Voluntary
2007/01/15International Business Program Financial Accounting 8 Why discussion I don’t like to talk in public and not in English –Students learn more effectively if they discuss –Employers expect you to develop English-language discussion skills –You are in a room with your friends who support you
2007/01/15International Business Program Financial Accounting 9 Why groups I prefer to work alone –Learning is much more effective in groups –Employers emphasize group skills I want to select my own group –In work place you do not get a choice –Essential to learn to work with all types of people
2007/01/15International Business Program Financial Accounting 10 Attendance I’m an adult. I should be free not to attend –Learning is not a one-on-one process –You have a responsibility to your classmates –Employers expect professional responsibility to be learned in classroom –Attendance is not optional in the workplace
2007/01/15International Business Program Financial Accounting 11 Textbooks Must be brought to lectures, tutorials and workshops –Professional responsibility –Sharing is disruptive and not permitted
2007/01/15International Business Program Financial Accounting 12 Expectations Learn to communicate –Numbers are only a small part of the communication Learn to analyze and interpret Problem solving? –No! –Some numerical analysis is part of analyses