Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust GHH Divisional National Survey Outcomes & Staff Engagement, 2012 With comparison where applicable: Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Overall (plus trend)
During 2012, the Trust undertook the National Staff Survey as a census. The National Survey provides a staff engagement rating and by running a census we are able to provide an engagement rate from this data (which we haven’t been able to do before). ‘Local’ engagement rating was created using employee engagement specialists, Ipsos MORI, some 3 years ago, and therefore, we included those questions into the National Survey to enable us to have benchmark data. Therefore, you will find in this report: Your 2012 National Engagement Score for your directorate Your 2012 Local Engagement Score for your directorate and a comparison to your 2011 Local Engagement Score (if available) The full data set for your directorate, can be found on the HR website under Wellbeing, then Surveys. We would encourage all directorates to look closely at the data provided and consider how they can improve staff engagement within their areas. Improved staff engagement leads to improved patient care. With the publication of the Francis Report, it is more crucial than ever to do everything we can to ensure patient care is of the highest possible quality and standard. For information about staff engagement, please visit NHS Employers website You may also wish to read reports by David McLeod Engagement Scores
GHH DivisionNational Results 2012Local Engagement 2012 OVERALL67%- Acute Medicine GHH 69%54% Elderly Medicine GHH 70%55% General Surgery GHH 70%55% Trauma & Orthopaedics 69%53% Trust Overall Employee Engagement Scores
Key Findings GHH Division KF01 - Satisfaction with quality of work and patient care able to deliver KF02 - Percentage of staff agreeing that their role makes a difference to patients KF03 - Work pressure felt by staff OVERALL71%89%68% Acute Medicine GHH 59%88%73% Elderly Medicine GHH 68%82%75% General Surgery GHH 73%93%63% Trauma & Orthopaedics 77%91%67%
Key Findings GHH Division KF04 - Effective team working Kf05 - Percentage of staff working extra hours KF06 -Percentage of staff receiving job- relevant training, learning or development in last 12 months OVERALL70%79%83% Acute Medicine GHH 71%93%88% Elderly Medicine GHH 74%54%95% General Surgery GHH 73%84%89% Trauma & Orthopaedics 67%78%73%
Key Findings GHH Division KF07 - Percentage of staff appraised in last 12 months KF08 - Percentage of staff having well structured appraisals in last 12 months KF09 - Support from immediate managers OVERALL76%34%70% Acute Medicine GHH 69%27%66% Elderly Medicine GHH 75%50%68% General Surgery GHH 76%33%74% Trauma & Orthopaedics 85%31%68%
Key Findings GHH Division KF10 - Percentage of staff receiving health and safety training in last 12 months KF11 - Percentage of staff suffering work-related stress in last 12 months KF12 - Percentage of staff saying hand washing materials are always available OVERALL54%47%55% Acute Medicine GHH 59%63%35% Elderly Medicine GHH 43%42%62% General Surgery GHH 58%41%68% Trauma & Orthopaedics 54%44%50%
Key Findings GHH Division KF13 - Percentage of staff saying hand washing materials are always available KF 14 - Percentage of staff reporting errors, near misses or incidents witnessed in last month KF 15 - Fairness and effectiveness of incident reporting procedures OVERALL50%92%66% Acute Medicine GHH 78%76%66% Elderly Medicine GHH 38%88%69% General Surgery GHH 46%100%66% Trauma & Orthopaedics 44%100%65%
Key Findings GHH Division KF16 - Percentage of staff experiencing physical violence from patients, relatives or public KF17 -Percentage of staff experiencing physical violence from staff in last 12 KF18 - Percentage of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from patient, public, relatives OVERALL52%10%51% Acute Medicine GHH 85%26%73% Elderly Medicine GHH 71%4%42% General Surgery GHH 28%7%35% Trauma & Orthopaedics 50%6%57%
Key Findings GHH Division KF19 Percentage of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from staff KF20 Percentage of staff feeling pressure in last 3 months to attend work when feeling unwell KF21 Percentage of staff reporting good communication between senior management and staff OVERALL38%35%19% Acute Medicine GHH 36%41%4% Elderly Medicine GHH 26%54%21% General Surgery GHH 33%22% Trauma & Orthopaedics 43%33%23%
Key Findings GHH Division KF22 Percentage of staff able to contribute towards improvements at work KF23 Staff job satisfactionKF24 Staff recommendation of the trust as a place to work or receive treatment OVERALL56%66%62% Acute Medicine GHH 52%63%59% Elderly Medicine GHH 50%65%64% General Surgery GHH 67%71%64% Trauma & Orthopaedics 52%63%62%
Key Findings GHH Division KF25 Staff motivation at workKF26 Percentage of staff having equality and diversity training in last 12 months OVERALL77%20% Acute Medicine GHH 79%19% Elderly Medicine GHH 78%19% General Surgery GHH 76%23% Trauma & Orthopaedics 77%22%
Key Findings GHH Division KF27 Percentage of staff believing the trust provides equal opportunities for career progression or promotion KF28 Percentage of staff experiencing discrimination at work in last 12 OVERALL74%21% Acute Medicine GHH 74%26% Elderly Medicine GHH 83%25% General Surgery GHH 75%11% Trauma & Orthopaedics 69%26%
Local Engagement Action Plan Identify improvement opportunities from Strategic Priorities, Key Drivers & internal best practices - clear statement of objectives and measurable results Define steps and work plan to achieve objectives - sequential/ parallel and milestones Establish a time schedule for each step and overall program - critical path and best/worst case scenarios Assign responsibilities for each step and overall program – management levels, dept/functional areas and third-parties Determine all resources required – personnel, materials, services and costs Action plan for (please write in area) …………………………………………… ………………… Improvement Area Actions to address improvement area TimescalesResource requiredWho is responsible Be specific. Include brief rationale. Corporate/local focus? Be specific – avoid generalisationsLead-up, implementation & evaluation timings? People, required budget, where budget derived? Individuals & supporting team? Note: Aim to address a maximum of 3 – 4 improvement areas. Actions to address improvement area can be singular or multiple.
Further advice & guidance Stress Policy NHS Employers – Engagement Tool-kit Occupational Health Department Live Well Work Well Website HR Website HR Representative If you wish to view the Trust’s CQC National Survey report go to