overseas experiences talk sushi
updated :30 utc today's menu lwear your nametag lgreet your TAs lprepare for the final exam lattend Yoshia's talk ltalk sushi lwatch slideshow
updated :30 utc final exam next week l wed[124] and thu1 lglexa assignment 6 points lif you skip the assignment, you lose points lwritten exam 4 points lyou must take the final lwritten review of what you should know lno conversations lif you miss the final, then see me for an interview lno final and no interview? you fail!
updated :30 utc updated goh kawai 4 contents of final exam lmemorize key phrases lWhat does ______ mean? lDid I make you wait long? lfind information on brochures lopening hours lhistory lglexa assignment prepares you for the final
updated :30 utc ask questions lduring the talk lthink of questions lask short questions "what's that in the picture?" lafter the talk lask longer questions "would you like to go again?"
updated :30 utc Yoshia's talk
updated :30 utc after a talk lask questions lclap lwalk up to the speaker lsay "thank you", "good talk" lshake hands if you can lgo have coffee and snacks lgrab chances to become friends
updated :30 utc updated goh kawai 8 sushi poster
updated :30 utc updated goh kawai 9 sushi is popular lknowing how to prepare sushi at home is a great way to make friends
updated :30 utc updated goh kawai 10 6 kinds of sushi lnigiri-zushi loshi-zushi lmaki-zushi linari-zushi lchirashi-zushi lsushi-gohan lthey are all vinegar rice
updated :30 utc updated goh kawai 11 not sushi lno vinegar lnigiri-meshi lgohan lcha-han lcurry rice, hayashi rice loyako-don, tempura-don, katsu-don lno rice lsashimi lsalad
updated :30 utc updated goh kawai 12 sushi types lnigiri-zushi lingredients and rice are pressed together by hand loshi-zushi lingredients and rice are pressed together in a box lmaki-zushi lingredients and rice are rolled together using nori
updated :30 utc updated goh kawai 13 sushi types linari-zushi lrice is stuffed in a fried tofu bag lchirashi-zushi lingredients are placed over bowl of rice lsushi-gohan lingredients are mixed in rice
updated :30 utc updated goh kawai 14 american sushi is strange lavogado? lnori inside the roll? lmultiple fish nigiri?
updated :30 utc california roll (avogado, krab, nori inside) spider roll (tempura of soft-shell crab)
updated :30 utc updated goh kawai 16 conversation instructions lYou are together with a friend who has never eaten sushi. lExplain the 6 types of sushi. lExplain how to make each type of sushi. lExplain at least 5 ingredients. lWrite the ingredients on your sheet. lTalk to at least 2 partners. lAt the end, you should have at least 10 different ingredients on your sheet.
updated :30 utc slideshow lif there's time
updated :30 utc one-stop website lhttp://goh.kawai.com/ llink to glexa lcourse material (these slides) lcontact form
updated :30 utc bon voyage!