Branding Your Business Establishing Your Identity Financial Support for The Texas Customized Self-Employment Project is provided by the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities, with Federal funds* made by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Developmental Disabilities. *($112,704) (78%) DD funds; ($32,019) (22%) non-federal resources
Branding Basics Branding is more important than a logo or a business card Your brand is the community face of your business Your brand represents the business’s mission, values, goals and outcomes Your brand is your businesses reputation in the community
The Care and Feeding of Your Business Brand When participating in community organizations, remember that your business’s brand is a reflection of you and the values of your business!
Organizational Branding: Care & Feeding Your brand is your mission statement and vision statement in action! Ask people to be part of your brand!
Organizational Branding: Care & Feeding Places to put your organizational logo and mission statement: On all communications from your organization to community members or partners On all of your websites and newsletters On t-shirts and all other products (pens, cups, etc.)