Polar Bears By: Noemy Soriano
Basic Info…. The polar bear is a bear native to the Arctic Ocean and its surrounding seas. The world's largest predator found on land, an adult male weighs around 300–600 kg (660– 1320 lb), while an adult female is about half that size In May 2008 the United States took the classification of vulnerable species one step further by declaring polar bears a threatened species in need of increased protection.
Polar Bears Adaption They can blend into snow with their white fur coat, So their prey couldn’t see them Two thick layers of fur, to keep them warm in cold weather They have blubber (fat) under their skin, It keeps them warm A very good sense of smell, It helps them to catch dinner Long curved claws that are sharp, To cling to ice
The Ancestors Of The Polar Bears The polar bear (Ursus maritimus), also known as the white bear, northern bear, or sea bear, is a large bear native to the Arctic It is one of the two largest land carnivore species and the apex predator within its range It is well-adapted to its habitat: its thick blubber and fur insulate it against the cold and its translucent fur (which appears white or cream-colored) camouflages it from its prey. The polar bear hunts well on land and on the sea ice, as well as in the water
The Polar Bears Habitat Across the barren landscape of the Churchill Wildlife Management Area along the Hudson Bay in Manitoba, Canada, Polar Bears live in the cold and windy northern arctic.
What It Eats Polar Bears Almost exclusively feed on ringed seals and to a lesser extent bearded seals Also eat walrus, beluga whale and bowhead whale carcasses, birds, vegetation and kelp
Human Impact What is happening to polar bears because of us humans Defenders of wildlife