through SearchBranding 2004
Definition: American Marketing Association brand image - The perception of a brand in the minds of persons. The brand image is a mirror reflection (though perhaps inaccurate) of the brand personality or product being. It is what people believe about a brand-their thoughts, feelings, expectations. CAN BRAND IMAGE BE EFFECTED THROUGH SEARCH LISTINGS?
How does traditional advertising effect brand image? Ensures that the target audience is exposed to the brand ( reach ) Ensures that the target audience is exposed to brand frequently ( frequency ) Brand aligns itself with other high-quality brand names (Citibank and American Airlines)
Can brand image be affected through search? YES! Searchers are exposed to the brand on every query ( frequency ) The target audience sees the brand ( reach ) The brand is associated with other high-quality, yet competitive brands For example… and appear with Dell, Apple and Gateway!
The Research Agrees…. Studies show consumers associate top rankings with top brands (iProspect 2002) Exposure in SERPs has been shown to assist in unaided recall (Overture 2001)
Tips for affecting brand image in search engines Use all of your real estate, both naturalized and pay-per-click ( frequency ) Make sure your keywords are what people are searching for ( reach ) Make sure your company name appears in all descriptions and creative
Can search engines hurt brand image? Make sure you know where your listings will appear – beware of contextual ads Be sure your descriptions display properly in your naturalized listings If you are not appearing under your major keywords, potential consumers might not consider you a “leader” in your space YES.
In Summary… Brand image can be effected by search, both positively and negatively To take advantage of the branding ability of search engines make sure you –Know where you are appearing –Know what your listings look like –Use your company name –Use all of the real estate available –Check your reach and frequency!
For more information, contact Tony Wright VP–Media and Interactive Marketing