2001,Hamsi. All rights reserved. branding in the virtual world
2001,Hamsi. All rights reserved. Branding With the Internet and new technologies: Consumer is more powerful than the companies Consumers demand for information increases Consumers trust declines Customer loyalty for the brand decreases Customers choose products that are convenient for him to reach
2001,Hamsi. All rights reserved. Branding in the virtual world What is a brand? Brand is a complex interaction of features, name, package, price and marketing strategy of a product Product can be produced at a factory and it can be copied, however, brand is bought by the consumer, it can not be copied and it is permanent Brand is not a product logo Brand is the emotional bridge between the product and its consumers Experience increases trust, and trust creates brand loyalty
2001,Hamsi. All rights reserved. Branding in the virtual world Branding in the virtual world is not that different than the physical world. Important features; Creating the logo, website and the slogan is not enough to create the brand in the virtual world. It is important that the promises come true Customer experience is important You can advertise the website but the real braning takes place when the user visits the website
2001,Hamsi. All rights reserved. Branding in the virtual world Ease of Use Website Design Content Quality Success of the website Fast delivery Access through multiple channels Product selection Quick solutions for the problems Brand success
2001,Hamsi. All rights reserved.
Branding in the virtual world Where and How? (Some tips) Web address is the brand name Users can become members and get information through Listed at the search engines Links from other sites Publish press reports Brand is written with the URL and web address
2001,Hamsi. All rights reserved. What do customers look for? Customers would like establishing relationships –to be known –convenience –personalisation All of these can be achieved with a brand
2001,Hamsi. All rights reserved. Virtual world is not Brand Friendly Difficult to communicate brand values “eyeballs” and “wallet” war –easy to enter –hard to be remembered –borders are blurry
2001,Hamsi. All rights reserved.
Summary: Differentiating in the virtual world Features: security, speed Choice Brand personality Service level Transaction time –“one click to the success”
2001,Hamsi. All rights reserved. Product Channel Customer Wholesale Of-the-shelf Direct sales Strategic partners Mailing Telephone Internet Multiple deliveryMicro-segmentation“ Mass customisation ” Direct sales
2001,Hamsi. All rights reserved. Summary: Differentiating in the virtual world Meaningful Aggregation –multi purpose smart cards Personalisation –my yahoo –my cmpe484 page