Brand - a name, phrase, symbol or design, or some combination of these used to identify a product and set it apart from its competition. Trademark – a brand that has been registered with the Patent and Trademark Office and is given legal protection, preventing others from using it. Brand Equity – the added value a given brand name gives to a product beyond the functional benefits provided. Psychological benefits Social benefits Time benefits
Suggests product’s benefits or uses Distinctive, memorable, and positive Simple, easy to pronounce Fits the company or product image Has no legal or regulatory restrictions
Come up with a brand name for a frozen dinner that features country cooking and man-sized helpings. The meal contains either country- fried steak, fried chicken, or pork barbecue. Each meal contains two vegetables, such as baked squash, fried sweet potato, butter beans or fried apples.
Family branding Individual branding Private branding Mixed Branding
Packaging – the design and production of the container or wrapper for a product. Labeling – identifies the product or brand, who made it, where and when it was made, how it is to be used, and contents. Benefits of Packaging and Labeling containment, storage, and convenience consumer protection brand recognition information
Warranties indicate the liability of the manufacturer for product deficiencies and are an important element of product and brand management. Affect a consumer’s product evaluation